The beloved saint of recent memory, who for decades served the poor and dying in the slums of Kolkata, India, comes to life in a new way in this touching new release.
For two years, Terry Bradshaw sat on the bench at Louisiana Tech because the Bulldogs had a starting quarterback who was getting attention from NFL scouts: Phil Robertson.
George Foreman rose from obscurity to win Olympic gold and eventually to deck the seemingly inconquerable Joe Frazier and be crowned world heavyweight boxing champion in 1973.
Jim Caviezel has played many film roles, with his turn as Jesus in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ (2004) and his starring role on the popular TV series Person of Interest (2011-2016) ranking as his biggest triumphs.
Dr. James Martin, a psychiatrist, is called to a maximum-security prison for an urgent task: he must determine whether Edward Wayne Brady, hours before his scheduled execution, is sane enough to be put to death for his crimes.
It’s a cliché that life is a journey, yet the metaphor is appropriate: life has a purpose, an ultimate destination cannot be seen when one’s travels begin.
"First things first," said St. Louis Rams quarterback Kurt Warner as he accepted the trophy as Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl XXXIV at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. “I’ve got to thank my Lord and Savior up above – thank You, Jesus!”
The Kendrick Brothers have made a name for themselves producing quality faith-based family dramas such as Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Overcomer, and War Room.
When St. Maximilian Kolbe was a young boy, the Blessed Mother appeared to him and offered him a choice of two crowns: a white crown, symbolizing a life of heroic virtue, and a red crown, symbolizing martyrdom for his faith. He chose both.
Forty-eight years ago, abortion on demand became “the law of the land” with a controversial 7-2 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade, a 2021 film now available digitally through on-demand streaming services, explains the real story behind that tragic ruling that has resulted in the killing of 62 million unborn lives to date.
Saint Augustine and his mother, St. Monica, lived a long time ago in a land far, far away. But the story of a parent’s sorrowful prayers for a child whose search for meaning has led him astray is familiar to every generation, including many right now.