With the opening of the Vatican’s archives from the World War II era, at least one scholar has claimed anew that Pope Pius XII’s “silence” in the face of Nazi persecutions revealed a callous disregard for the Jewish people.
Eminent scholars respond after researcher and author David Kertzer resurrects discredited claims that the pope turned his back on Jews during World War II.
In Evangelium Vitae, his 1995 landmark encyclical on the “Gospel of Life,” Pope St. John Paul II wrote: “Especially significant is the reawakening of ethical reflection on issues affecting life.
A major challenge facing the Church is the growing hostility of our culture to the teachings of Christianity on the nature of God’s creation and on His plan for man and woman as stewards of that creation.
When students come to know God and are immersed into Catholic culture, they still must learn how to live the faith in the world, especially after they graduate.
“I can’t see to put on makeup!” “I can’t see the food on my plate!” “I can’t see the dashboard!” “I can’t see my cell phone!” People who say such things may be suffering from presbyopia.