Saint Martha Wang was a 19th-century Chinese laywoman and martyr. Born in Zunji, China, she married and moves to Qingyian, where she and her husband grew vegetables
Transparency, as practiced by most companies, is a paper tiger without teeth. It looks nice on a press release but has no real impact on company operations.
The Catholic Church's teaching on how to treat the tiniest of children is crystal clear: "The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception".
There's an old, wise maxim that goes something like this: "The breaking of the rules before marriage will naturally lead to the breaking of the rules after marriage."
What can I do to reduce my risk of cancer or prevent my cancer coming back? For Dr. Lee Jones, exercise should be an essential part of how physicians answer this question.
As Christians and true followers of Christ on our earthly journey, we have one ultimate purpose: to live an exemplary virtuous life that will lead us, our families, and our neighbors to eternal happiness.