Crises are times for heroes, and during the COVID-19 pandemic it is often requiring heroic leadership on the part of executives to keep their businesses afloat and their employees secure while continuing to serve the public good.
Jen Fulwiler and Alana Newman are former atheists who will share their stories at this year’s 2020 Summit West. One will make you laugh and the other will give you pause. Jen, author of Your Blue Flame, will perform her standup comedy routine, and Alana will answer questions following a special preview of the documentary, Sexual Revolution: 50 Years since Humanae Vitae which she helped produce.
When Monsignor Robert Jaeger is not at St. Paul Church in Colorado Springs, CO, where he is pastor, he can be found downtown in the chancery as vicar general for the Diocese of Colorado Springs.
Amid racial unrest and protests in the streets, Deacon Larry Oney has appeared on several radio and television programs in recent weeks to offer a Black Catholic leader’s perspective on racial reconciliation.
This summer will be one to remember. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live, work, and play. The family life we once knew pre-COVID-19 has been reintroduced in the most positive way. The mandatory lockdown imposed on most of us due to COVID-19 led to shelter-in-place orders that offered opportunities for a family togetherness and bonding capable of birthing a rediscovery of the true essence of family life.
Pregnancy loss is a painful ordeal that poses unique dilemmas for all involved: spouses, family, friends, even employers. Approximately 20 percent of pregnancies end in loss, typically before the 12th week.
In the relatively few images of Fr. Vincent Capodanno among the Marines serving in the Vietnam War, he looks like one of them, or perhaps like an older officer among the mostly 18- and 19-year-old infantrymen.
Many may not have heard of Cardinal Péter Erdő, the archbishop of Esztergom Budapest and primate of Hungary, but after reading this far-reaching interview readers will become thoroughly familiar with his early life, his experiences as a priest and bishop, the Church in Hungary during and after Communist rule, and his perspective on the Catholic faith and its place in today’s world.
Here’s the book that stirred up no small amount of controversy in January when, just prior to the book’s release, the pope emeritus asked that his name be removed as co-author. Whatever the concern is, Benedict XVI and Cardinal Sarah each contribute chapters to this work and collaborated on the introduction and conclusion to the book.
We hear so much of how the family home is a “domestic church.” Brick by Brick offers a solid set of blueprints for making that happen. André and Angelè Regnier raised five children into adulthood who not only kept the Catholic faith, but also became missionaries of Catholic Christian Outreach, an apostolate the Regniers founded.
It is July 25, 1934. The scene is the chancellery of Austria. A man whom historians have not done justice lay on the floor, bleeding to death, while his Nazi executioners looked on in cold delight. He asked for a doctor. They refused.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in Bostock v. Clayton County that the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibited job discrimination because of sex, also meant to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Pope St. John Paul II’s guidance from the Holy Spirit allowed him to accomplish miraculous feats. His dynamic leadership for life inspired the formation of the amazing St. John Paul II Life Center in Austin, Texas.
Pandemics are nothing new; humanity has been ravaged by them throughout history. In Christian Europe, the clergy, religious, and laity often responded to pandemic outbreaks with heartfelt prayer and acts of penance.