An accomplished preacher and evangelist, Deacon BurkeSivers, 51, travels across the world speaking at conferences, workshops, parish retreats and other events to help people who desire a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
On the surface, the book offers an alternative to similar books attempting to tell Christians how to live in a world in crisis, but the book is much more.
“A school cannot advocate or celebrate relationships or conduct which contradict Church teaching, without failing the very students it is called to form..."
“The more medical decision-making is handed over to [the state]… the more patients, surrogates and family members will [be] unable to take measures they believe best for loved ones..."
One of the best examples of humble leadership in recent American history is Judge William Clark. Ronald Reagan’s most influential advisor, Clark ran the gubernatorial campaign that
launched Reagan’s political career
The book is centered on the virtue of hope, so even as the cardinal candidly explores such controversial hot-button issues as abortion and gender ideology, the overall view is toward the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.
The revisionists also include Elaine Pagels, Bart Ehrman, Karen King, John Dominic Crossan, Robert Funk, Marcus Borg and scores of others less well known