This book is based on a series of interviews with journalist Peter Seewald. It’s nearest to an autobiography from the Pope Emeritus who has remained “hidden to the world” in a former convent in the Vatican gardens.
In the next 10 years, new technology will bring a tsunami of change. It will be a disruptive time, full of promise. A member of Legatus’ Philadelphia Chapter, Martino boldly predicts the oil industry will be decimated by electric cars and solar electricity generation.
Gabriele Kuby LifeSite/Angelico Press, 2015 Paperback, 302 pages $19.95 This isn’t a new book, but it was suggested by one of our readers. Subtitled Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom , Kuby hits the nail on the head regarding the direction the secular left is pushing the culture.
It’s good to stretch ourselves, but we must stretch ourselves with the right things. To discern those right things, we must ask, “Why did God make me?”
In this life, we’re just passing through. The happiness that God created us for is different from the fleeting happiness and momentary pleasures of this world.
“Planned Parenthood cannot hide the fact that it is losing this generation, that it is losing the fight to win the hearts and minds of young women and men
Subtitled Fighting the Culture of Death from the Sidewalk to the Supreme Court, the book explains how this former Benedictine monk and journalism professor was drawn into pro-life activism, and it describes his part in the history of the U.S. pro-life movement.
Our God is a God of love. The proof is in the pudding. Literally. It’s in chocolate pudding, banana pudding and caramel bread pudding with whiskey sauce. It’s also in coffee, wine, creamy sage risotto and bacon… especially in bacon.
There are two types of sugars: naturally occurring sugars and added sugars. Naturally occurring sugars are in foods such as fruit (called fructose) and in milk (lactose). Added sugars are those added to food or drinks during preparation or processing.
Among his important early works are “The Madonna of the Star,” housed in the San Marco Museum in Florence, Italy, and “Christ In Glory Surrounded by Saints and Angels,” which is kept in the National Gallery in London.
John Foppe is a man with many blessings. John Foppe He grew up in a loving family with seven brothers in Breeze, Ill. He went to college and earned a master’s degree. He has traveled the world as a professional speaker, given two TED talks, authored a book, founded his own consulting firm and directs a non-profit.
Matthew Pinto founded Ascension Press in 1998 with one goal in mind: to publish a book for Catholic teens titled Did Adam and Eve Have Bellybuttons? Matt Pinto But when the collection of 200 questions and answers took off, Pinto got an idea for a second book and a set of flip cards.