The film — from executive producer Jason Jones (Bella), an At Large Legatus member — encourages individuals and church communities to stand up for the lives of the unborn and abortion-minded women, particularly as it pertains to defending every single human life.
Father Maurice Harrigan was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles 20 years ago. Father Harrigan is the pastor of Mary Star of the Sea, a historic and thriving parish in San Pedro, California.
Published to coincide with her canonization, this new book of unpublished material offers the new saint’s profound, yet accessible wisdom on how we can show mercy and compassion in our day-to-day lives
Anne-Thérèse Guérin was born in Brittany near the end of the French Revolution. Educated at home by her mother, she received her First Communion at age 10 and told a priest that she wished to enter religious life.