The three popes — from John Paul to Francis — have made it abundantly clear that Divine Mercy is a major part of the Christian faith, and now this powerful new book reveals why.
Fr. Andrew Wawrzyn is Associate Pastor at Chicago’s St. Alphonsus Parish and has served as the chaplain of Legatus’ Chicago Chapter since spring of 2013.
Repent, believe, and live in charity. These three requirements for salvation correspond to the three “theological virtues,” faith, hope and charity (1 Cor 13:13).
When we begin the season of Advent, a spirit of hope and anticipation begins to grow again in our hearts as we prepare to remember and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
My oldest son is 12 years old. Watching him grow has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life — from a 21-inch newborn to a towering 5’8” pre-teen (yeah, he’s tall).
About two years ago I received a call from Bill Simon recommending I meet a good friend of his. Bill talked about all the great work that Bob Buford had been doing and how much he thought I would enjoy meeting him.