Ad space now available for Legatus magazine’s official anniversary issue . . . . Show your appreciation for Tom Monaghan and the organization he founded in the official 25th anniversary issue of Legatus magazine. Ad space is now open in our official anniversary issue.
“My bio could fit on a postage stamp,” jokes the longtime pastor of St. Thomas More Church in Allentown, Pa., the second of only two full-time parish assignments he has had since his ordination in 1964.
Not since Bella has a film danced across the silver screen, stirring the hearts of people on both sides of the abortion issue. October Baby rises to the challenge as one of the most powerful pro-life films ever made.
Father Williams’ new book of meditations and reflections focuses on Lent and the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A theology professor and television commentator, he offers a daily Scripture quote and a reflection on how it can be applied to one’s life and spirituality.
An Atlanta-based executive, Hain helps readers integrate their faith with their jobs through practical tips and the inspirational stories of people who have brought their Catholic identity with them to work.
With his subtitle Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck, Lowry presents practical solutions to real-life scenarios. Each of the book’s 13 chapters provides practical steps for putting the chapter theme into action and questions for reflection so readers can do a bit of self-assessment.
The quality of perfection in Mary centers on the theological fact that she is the mother of God. The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary teaches that she was preserved from original sin from the first moment of her conception in the womb of St. Ann.
Thanks to the marvels of medical science, our parents are living longer than ever before. Adults over the age of 80 are the fastest-growing segment of the population. Most will spend years dependent on others for the most basic needs. That burden often falls on their baby boomer children.
Inducing labor early during a pregnancy is dangerous, but it’s permissible under certain circumstances. Once the unborn child has reached viability, labor may be induced for a proportionate reason. Such early induction must be carefully considered with respect to each patient in an attempt to maximize clinical outcomes for both mother and child.
It seems that certain issues find their way into my inbox in groups. Recently, ethics vs. morals has become a theme. I’ve been in discussions with business leaders who are working through complex ethical issues. It seems that no matter which direction they turn, on the surface, a moral argument can be made and someone will feel the pain of their decision.
I had the happy opportunity to report to Tom Monaghan for 10 years as Legatus’ executive director. For the prior 15 years I had directed faith-based educational and evangelization programs. Now I found myself enrolled in the Monaghan Graduate School of Entrepreneurial Studies for the Kingdom of God.
From across the United States and around the world, over 600 Legates, guests, speakers, award winners and staff kicked off Legatus’ 25th anniversary year in style at the 2012 Summit.
Princess Agnes of Bohemia was born in Prague. She was entrusted into the care of the Cistercian nuns at the age of three. Her family tried to organize her marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II. The young Agnes, however, would have none of it as she was drawn to the religious life.
My wife and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary next month. Over the last decade, I’ve come to realize that there’s nothing sweeter in life than living your vocation for the Lord. I’m thankful not only for having met Michele, but for the guy responsible for that meeting: Tom Monaghan.
Like many things in our lives, unless we’re vigilant, it can be easy to lose focus on some of the things that are central to our health — whether it’s physical, financial or spiritual health.
From across the United States and around the world, over 600 Legates, guests, speakers, award winners and staff kicked off Legatus’ 25th anniversary year in style at the 2012 Summit.