As we complete the 30th anniversary of Legatus, 1987 – 2017, I take this opportunity to reflect on the lives of two great men and great Legates who recently passed from this life. Francis (Fran) Sehn, member of the Detroit Chapter, passed away at age 99 on October 29; and William (Bill) McIntyre, member of the Genesis Chapter, passed at age 81 on November 6. Coincidentally (or maybe not), their funerals were celebrated on the same day at the same hour… Saturday, November 11 at 11:00 a.m.
Tom Monaghan
Both of these men were close friends of mine, whom I admired and respected greatly. They were also both champions of Legatus. Fran and Bill were not only active in their respective chapters, but each of them did much to advance the mission and reputation of Legatus. Bill and his wife, Susan, were original charter members of the Genesis Chapter. In addition to serving as chapter president, Bill also served as Legatus’ vice chairman of the board of governors. Meanwhile, during our early years as an organization, as we endeavored to charter a chapter in Detroit, Cardinal Szoka wanted to know more about this new organization of Catholic CEOs before he gave it his blessing, so he sent a trusted confidante to check it out. The Cardinal sent Fran to find out more about Legatus and what we were all about; not only did Fran come back with a positive report, but he and his wife Celestine (“Sel”) would soon join the Detroit Chapter.
While Fran and Bill were very different, they had some striking similarities. They were both extremely successful in their respective professional fields, but they were also profoundly humble. They both were good listeners who were interested in others and what they could learn. Each was very involved in his local parish, archdiocese and community. And while they were pioneers in the business world, it was faith and family that comprised the true center of their lives.
Bill was buried with his Legatus lapel pin on and a Legatus runner draped over his casket, and as I read their respective obituaries, I found it humbling but telling that Legatus was mentioned in both. I believe these are not only a testament to their commitment to Legatus, but also a sign of the deep and meaningful relationships they had with their fellow members.
Personally, I am very grateful for the friendship of these two men; they will be missed. I am also grateful for their contributions to Legatus.
TOM MONAGHAN is Legatus’ founder, chairman and CEO.