If I’ve learned anything from watching the past few election cycles, it’s that politics follows culture. Lawmakers tend to take their cues from the prevailing cultural wind. From their perspective, they stand a better chance of getting elected by following popular mores than sticking to their own convictions or to Judeo- Christian notions of right and wrong.
Every once in a while, the common folk take control of the culture and decide a key political issue. In just a few weeks, voters in California, Florida and Arizona will choose whether or not to amend their state constitutions to protect traditional marriage — the union of one man and one woman.
Twenty-seven states have constitutional amendments outlawing same-sex “marriage” — 11 approved by voters in 2004, when the issue became a central part of President Bush’s re-election, and seven more in 2006. Another 18 states have statutes on the books protecting traditional marriage, but those statutes tend to be overturned by activist judges. This happened in Massachusetts and California, the only states that recognize same-sex “marriages.” Homosexuals in those states have lobbied hard to redefine marriage to suit their misguided purpose.
The law is a great teacher. It sets norms for society and tells us what is right and what is wrong. When the law itself is wrong, however, the repercussions for society can be tragic. When the courts sought to redefine when human life is protected under law with Roe v. Wade in 1973, it opened the floodgates to the wholesale slaughter of unborn children.
By redefining marriage as something other than an exclusive life-long relationship between one man and one woman, the courts have begun to destabilize the fundamental building block of society: the family. If the three states with upcoming amendments fail to protect marriage, they will open the door for the courts to change fundamentally the definition of not only marriage, but of family.
Top science and sociological studies affirm that children are most likely to reach their potential when they live with their biological parents. Growing up with Mom and Dad can mean the difference between excelling in school and getting involved with crime, drugs or other illicit activity.
Even the left-leaning Center for Law and Social Policy, a child advocacy organization, reported in 2003: “Most researchers now agree that … on average, children do best when raised by their two married biological parents.” Did you catch that subtle detail? Homosexual couples can never become “biological” parents of their own child.
Some say the culture has already spoken. Same-sex marriage is a done deal. It’s a lost cause. But for those of us who struggle daily to live holy lives according to biblical principles guided by the Church, it’s not a done deal even if the culture says otherwise.
Patrick Novecosky is the editor of Legatus Magazine.