Dominic was unusually bright, and his pastor let him to make his 1st Communion early. . .
Feast Day: May 6
Canonized: June 12, 1954
St. Dominic Savio
Born in Northern Italy, Dominic was the second of 11 children born to poor, hardworking and pious parents. Early in his life, he grasped what it meant to be a true apostle. Though tempted with surges of anger, he quickly learned self-control.
Dominic was unusually bright and his pastor permitted him to make his first Communion at the age of seven instead of at 12, which was customary. By this time he had formed a spiritual program for life consisting of frequent Communion and Confession, keeping Sundays holy, developing a friendship with Jesus and Mary, and desiring death over sin.
His parish priest introduced him to St. Don Bosco and young Dominic became Bosco’s prized pupil. At age 12 he entered the Salesian school in Turin. Under Bosco’s direction, Dominic learned to remain cheerful while performing his duties, completely dedicating himself to gaining souls for God. He was a heroic example to his friends, settling disputes and even ripping up pornography in front of his offending peers.
Dominic encouraged his friends to frequent Confession and volunteered to accompany them. He pointed out that making excuses for not going was a trick of the devil. Dominic loved Eucharistic devotion and had a deep love for Our Lady.
His health was usually fragile, and he predicted his pending death. He told Bosco of his desire to die a happy death with Our Lady’s help. His failing health forced him to leave school and his beloved mentor. Dominic’s parting words were: “Pray that I may die well” and “Goodbye until we meet in Heaven.” From his deathbed he repeated, “Jesus! Mary! Yes, you will always be my friends! I say it again, death but not sin!” He died of tuberculosis at age 15. His final words were: “Oh what a beautiful sight I see!”
This column is produced for Legatus by the Dead Theologians Society, a Catholic apostolate for high school age teens and college age young adults. On the web: