One of the highlights of membership in Legatus is the opportunity to journey on pilgrimages to many different places that are incredibly fruitful in the nurturance of our faith. In my December column, I shared my experience of going to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, a shrine recognized by the Vatican in 2021.
Over the summer I was able to visit our Green Bay Chapter’s 20th anniversary event on the campus of St. Norbert’s College, and it was glorious. This visit turned into a smaller pilgrimage for me. That day, after a morning officer training session, I was able to make an excursion by Lambeau Field on my way to my first visit to Our Lady of Good Help Shrine in Champion, WI. Farm fields surround grounds of a Marian apparition site, and walking through the manicured grounds while praying the rosary brought a feeling of great peace. Peace through pilgrimages, both big and small, is a gift from God.
Next month, June 10-13, Legatus members will embark upon the 10th annual family pilgrimage to Mexico City. This trip is especially a great one for you to bring your kids and grandkids. It is a short trip, Friday through Monday, and it’s a safe trip, as we’ll be staying right at the airport. It’s also an easy flight: Mexico City is in the Central time zone, and for most travelers it is a flight of four hours or less.
I love the words of Tom and Glory Sullivan, creators of this pilgrimage, who said, “You get to see the only painting in the world by God, and it’s fabulous. People go to the art museums all over the world, people will talk to you about visiting the hermitage, and then I say, ‘But did you go down to Guadalupe and see the one by God?’”
In this month of May, the month dedicated to Our Blessed Mother, I encourage all of us as pilgrims to journey through prayer to the Mediatrix of Jesus Christ, whether it is praying the rosary as a family after dinner, a rosary on your way to or from work, or just some Hail Marys when you have free time.
I would also recommend putting Mary front and center in your home as a constant reminder to you and your family that our Blessed Mother is our surest path to Jesus.
Let’s strive to live the “Five Stones” of Medjugorje: