…Dublin becomes Legatus’ first chapter to charter outside of North America.
A historic event took place on Oct. 11 in Dublin, Ireland, when Legatus’ Dublin Chapter became the first chapter to charter outside North America.
The chartering took place on the first day of the Catholic Church’s Year of Faith. It was enhanced by the presence of several Legates from the United States who were attending the annual Legatus pilgrimage taking place in Ireland at the same time.
Dublin Chapter members and their guests were honored to have Archbishop Charles Brown, the apostolic nuncio to Ireland, as the main celebrant at the chartering Mass. Concelebrating with him were chapter chaplain Fr. Michael Mullan, LC, and the chapter’s former chaplain Fr. Thomas McCarthy, OP.
Holy Mass was celebrated at the Poor Clares Convent. Many of the sisters, who have been praying for Legatus and the Dublin Chapter for several years, were in attendance.
Persistence pays off
Chapter president John Reid commended his fellow Legates for their persistence and their commitment to Legatus.
“Legatus is an organization whose time has truly come, whose mission is crucial — particularly in Ireland where the values we hold so dear are under so much attack,” he said. “Legatus is and will continue to be a hugely positive and constructive force in Irish businesses, homes and society in general.”
After Mass, the Dublin members and their American guests transitioned to the chartering celebration at the home of members James and Rosemary Sheehan. Following the reception, Archbishop Brown — a New York City native — addressed Legates, encouraging them to live out the Legatus mission faithfully both in Ireland and the United States.
“The presence of Archbishop Brown and his affirmation of and enthusiastic support for the work and mission of Legatus in Ireland was truly inspirational,” Reid said. “As we know, he was specifically chosen by our Holy Father at this time of need in Ireland, and he truly relates to the special role Legatus has.”
The evening continued with a meal, followed by some traditional Irish entertainment. Members expressed their gratitude to the Sheehans for being such gracious hosts, saying that it was a great honor to be part of the historic event.
“Chartering provides us with a solid platform to further grow our Dublin Chapter, and our membership has derived much encouragement from the visit of our fellow Legates from North America,” Reid said.
“Many of our members are encouraged to attend forthcoming Summits — and to learn more about what Legatus is trying to do. We are confident that we will increase the membership of our chapter, and this will assist in the establishment of other chapters in the UK and mainland Europe where there are many faithful Catholics yearning for an organization such as Legatus to be established. It’s really true that Legatus is needed now more than ever!”