Date of Chartering: Mar 18, 2015
Diocese of Austin: Bishop Joe S. Vásquez
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Legatus of Austin began formation in 2014 and was chartered March 18, 2015 at the University of Texas Club in Austin as the fifth Legatus chapter in the state of Texas.
Past events have included such notable speakers as Tom Monaghan, Jennifer Fulwiler, Fr. Leo Patalinghug, and Al Kresta.
We currently have one men’s forums and one women’s forum. The forums meet monthly in their small group setting to share and discuss aspects of their faith, family, and business.
We are grateful to His Excellency Joe S. Vásquez, Bishop of Austin and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Austin and the surrounding area. We are eager to welcome those who have an interest in membership with a community
of believers and business minds, as Ambassadors
for Christ in the Marketplace.
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The Bismarck chapter of Legatus is in the process of formation.
Respectively we are grateful to Most Reverend David Dennis Kagan and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Bismarck and surrounding areas. We are eager to welcome those who have
an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines
a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: May 04, 2010
Diocese of Colorado Springs:
Bishop Michael J. Sheridan
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In October 2006, Bishop Michael J. Sheridan took the initial steps to organize the Colorado Springs Chapter. By the end of 2007, the chapter had grown to approximately 14 CEO members.
On May 4, 2010, at the Broadmoor Golf Club. Colorado Springs became the 60th chartered chapter of Legatus.
The chapter holds monthly meetings at St. Mary Cathedral followed by dinner at El Paso Club and continues to be filled with great fellowship and formation for members’ faith lives.
Date of Chartering: Feb 25, 1999
Diocese of Dallas: Most Reverend Edward J. Burns
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In February 1995, Nancy Cheney and Fr. Gilbert J. Graham, O.P., met with two Legatus representatives about starting a chapter in Dallas. Cheney, whose husband had just died, was the owner of a leading chemical company in Dallas and Fr. Graham was the administrator of St. Jude Chapel.
Impressed with the idea, Fr. Graham recruited Jan Collmer, chairman of the board of the Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport, who became the first Dallas member and first Dallas chapter president. Father Graham also recruited Harry Longwell, chairman of Exxon Corporation; Jim Bradley, one of the leading attorneys in Dallas; Jodie Thompson, executive of the Southland Corporation; and several other business friends. Collmer then invited many Dallas pastors to a luncheon at Brook Hollow Golf Club as his guests, where Fr. Graham presented Legatus to them and asked their help in recruiting members. Four years after the first discussions took place, on February 25, 1999, the Dallas Chapter became the 14th chartered chapter of Legatus.
When Fr. Graham passed away, Monsignor Donald Zimmerman, pastor of Christ the King Church in Dallas, agreed to serve as the chapter’s chaplain, a position he assumed in 2003.
The chapter has offered many successful programs in the years following. Bishop Charles V. Grahmann enthusiastically supported the chapter’s formation. Then Dallas Bishop Kevin J. Farrell and Auxiliary Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel were equally supportive of Legatus. Current Auxillary Bishop, Most Reverend Gregory Kelly, is a friend of Legatus and has been a keynote speaker for the Dallas Chapter.
Date of Chartering: Mar 02, 2000
Archdiocese of Denver:
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila
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On March 2, 2000, Legatus members gathered at the John Paul II Center in Denver where they prayed the rosary, attended Mass, and joined in witnessing the official chartering ceremony for the Colorado Chapter, now recognized as the Denver Chapter.
This special event was only the second meeting of the chapter and represented the quickest chapter chartering period in Legatus’ history to that point and marked the 19th chartered chapter in Legatus.
Date of Chartering: Dec 13, 2001
Diocese of Des Moines: Bishop Richard E. Pates
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The first informational meeting for Catholic business leaders interested in forming a Des Moines Chapter of Legatus was held in June 2000.
The meeting bore fruit and after an extended period of discernment and recruitment, the Des Moines Chapter was chartered on December 13, 2001 — Legatus’ 29th chartering — at a Mass and investiture ceremony held at St. Francis of Assisi Church.
Date of Chartering: May 10, 2007
Diocese of Fort Worth: Bishop Michael F. Olson
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With 20 couples in attendance, Legatus of Fort Worth was formally chartered on May 10, 2007.
All monthly events are preceded by Holy Mass
at St. Patrick Cathedral followed by a dinner
and program at the historic Fort Worth Club.
Past programs have included renowned Catholic speakers such as author Scott Hahn, radio personality Teresa Tomeo, Inside the Vatican Robert Moynihan, and Rosiland Moss,
now Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God.
Although we currently boast twenty-eight “member couples”, the chapter is a welcome home to single members as well. Of course every member benefits from the spiritual and social fruits of gathering together on a monthly basis, celebrating Holy Mass, enjoying a five star dinner and program,
and relaxing in the company of like-minded Catholic business leaders.
As a group we have been to a Texas Ranger’s baseball game, had a day of reflection at a member’s lake house, and attended an annual Christmas party at the home of our Chapter President’s. Many members have been on pilgrimage together including the October 2011 visit to the Holy Land with Steve Ray. A bonus
to some members are monthly Forum meetings, smaller scale gatherings of men and (separately) women. These events foster a spirit of sharing
and mentorship that benefit the participants.
Date of Chartering: Nov 29, 2005
Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux:
Bishop Shelton J. Fabre
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On November 29, 2005, the Houma-Thibodaux (La.) Chapter of Legatus became the 66th to achieve chartering status. In a special Mass and chartering ceremony, Most Reverend Sam Jacobs, bishop of Houma-Thibodaux, inducted the 42 members and their officers at the diocese’s St. Francis de Sales Cathedral. Bishop Jacobs was
a major force in forming the local chapter,
and he served as its first chaplain.
The Houma-Thibodaux Chapter was founded
in April 2005, the same year that later brought Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to Louisiana. Despite the difficulties caused by the weather disasters, Bishop Jacobs never wavered in his continuing support for a local chapter, which achieved chartering status in only six months.
“When I became bishop of Houma-Thibodaux,
one of the regional representatives came to see me about the possibility of establishing a chapter here in the diocese,” says Bishop Jacobs, who went on to serve as Legatus’ international chaplain. “I was very interested in doing that. And so I gathered some of the men together, and we began to talk about the possibility of establishing a chapter.
And it became a reality.”
Date of Chartering: Oct 18, 1995
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston:
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo
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Legatus’ Houston Chapter was chartered on October 18, 1995 becoming the sixth chapter formally under the Legatus banner. The idea for
a local chapter dated some years prior to that.
At the outset, the chapter’s structure was simple, consisting of a monthly dinner meeting, including
a speaker, preceded by a rosary and Mass. Additionally, a monthly luncheon with a speaker for alternating meetings was added. The chapter has since grown to more than 30 member-couples who enjoy excellent friendship and camaraderie.
The chapter has supported several excellent area Catholic causes, including Houston’s Catholic high schools. In recent years, members have provided significant support to Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, St. Thomas High School, St. Agnes Academy, and most recently, Cristo Rey Jesuit College Preparatory of Houston.
The range of venues for the chapter’s dinner meetings varies greatly from the best restaurants and country clubs in Houston to casual settings. Occasionally, chapter meetings are held in a member’s home.
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas: Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph: Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr.
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The Kansas City Chapter of Legatus was chartered in August 2019. It is the first Legatus Chapter that formally identifies itself as a blending of two dioceses: the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph in Missouri.
Respectively we are grateful to the Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann and the Most Reverend James V. Johnston Jr. and their mutual blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Kansas City, Kansas, Missouri, and the surrounding area. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus, and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Jun 04, 2014
Diocese of Lafayette in Louisiana:
Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel
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On June 4, 2014, the Lafayette-Acadiana chapter formally became the 72nd chapter of Legatus,
the fifth in the state of Louisiana. Rapid growth over its first few months has elevated the chapter
to the fourth largest in the Legatus family.
We are grateful to the Most Reverend Bishop Douglas Deshotel and his blessing of our efforts
to grow Legatus in the Lafayette area. And we continue to welcome those who have an interest
to learning more about Legatus and consider joining our growing chapter.
Date of Chartering: Jan 19, 2016
Diocese of Lake Charles: Bishop Glen J. Provost
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The Lake Charles chapter formally chartered on January 19, 2016. The chapter grew quickly with extensive support from the neighboring Lafayette-Acadiana Chapter and Bishop Glen John Provost
of the Lake Charles diocese.
Legatus is a very natural fit in an area with deep Catholic roots, said Bishop Provost, whose family was among the area’s first settlers 300 years ago.
Members of Legatus’ chapter say they’re ready
to be witnesses to Christ in the marketplace —
and the members of their growing, chartered chapter will help them do just that.
We are grateful to the Most Reverend Glen J. Provost the blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Lake Charles and the surrounding area. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest
to learn more about Legatus and consider joining
an organization that combines a unique blending
of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Jun 21, 2005
Diocese of Lincoln: Bishop James D. Conley
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Legatus of Lincoln began formation in late 2003 with an introductory dinner hosted by Lincoln Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz. The first full year of programs started in 2004 with the Lincoln Chapter chartering on June 21, 2005 becoming the 48th charted chapter of Legutus.
The chartering ceremony was held at the Blessed John XXIII Diocesan Center with Bishop Bruskewitz concelebrating the Mass with Monsignor Liam M. Barr, V.F., chaplain, and Rev. Jerry Pokorski. The ceremony included the commissioning of officers and induction of 24 CEOs and spouses. A dinner and a keynote address by Legatus founder Thomas Monaghan followed the service.
The Lincoln Chapter was honored to be the hosts
of the 2016 Summit held at the Ritz-Carlton
Grand Lakes Hotel in Orlando, FL.
Past events have included such notable speakers
as Immaculée Ilibagiza, Dr. Edward Sri, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Curtis Martin and Teresa Tomeo.
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City:
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, S.T.L., D.D.
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The Oklahoma City chapter of Legatus chartered on December 10, 2014. It became the first formal Legatus chapter in the state of Oklahoma.
We are grateful to His Excellency, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Oklahoma City and its surrounding area. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Dec 12, 2001
Archdiocese of Omaha:
Archbishop George J. Lucas
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On May 11, 2016, Legatus’ Omaha Chapter celebrated the 15-year anniversary of its inaugural pre-meeting of May 8, 2001.
Over the years, many couples have joined the chapter and enjoy the monthly rosary and Confession, Mass, and dinner. Meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month at Immaculalte Conception Church at Boys Town with dinner at Shadow Ridge Country Club. The Omaha Chapter recently began having joint meetings with the Lincoln Chapter once a year, alternating the location between cities.
Date of Chartering: Feb 23, 2005
Archdiocese of San Antonio:
Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller MSpS
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The San Antonio Chapter was officially chartered in February 2005 with Archbishops José Gómez and Flores present.
Members have been active in contributing to the building of the archdiocese’s Assumption Seminary, as well as the new residence for Archbishop Gómez and future archbishops. Later, members presented Archbishop Gómez with a Good Shepherd statue in appreciation for his support for the chapter before departing to his new assignment in Los Angeles.
Date of Chartering: Dec 17, 1996
Archdiocese of St. Louis:
Archbishop Robert J. Carlson
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On December 17, 1996, 63 people shared in the chartering celebration at Ascension Chapel and Ascension Meeting Hall in Chesterfield, Missouri. Saint Louis Archbishop Justin Rigali was the main celebrant and homilist at the chartering Mass.
Diocese of Tulsa: Bishop David A. Konderla
The Legatus Mission is to assist top business executives and their spouses: to study, live, and spread the Catholic faith in our business, professional and personal lives.
We are grateful to Bishop David A. Konderla, Bishop of Tulsa and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in the surrounding area. We are eager to welcome those who have an interest in membership with a community of believers and business minds, as Ambassadors for Christ in the Marketplace.
We would love to have prospective members be our guest at one of our events. If you are interested in learning more about Legatus, please contact our Chapter Administrator at [email protected].
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Date of Chartering: Oct 14, 2003
Diocese of Wichita: Bishop Michael O. Jackels
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Legatus’ Wichita Chapter was chartered on October 14, 2003, a mere 10 months after its initial organizational meeting. The impetus for formation came from then-Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted,
who held informational dinner functions and enthusiastically encouraged the formation of the chapter. Thus Wichita became the 40th chapter under the Legatus organizational umbrella.
Members meet monthly, alternating meetings between the east and west sides of Wichita. The format of the evening starts with the rosary and Holy Mass, followed by dinner with a guest speaker. Several years ago, the chapter initiated an annual mini-retreat, which has been well received.
Date of Chartering: May 25, 2005
Diocese of Lansing: Bishop Earl A. Boyea
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The Ann Arbor Chapter is one of a distinct few. It’s one of the distinct chapters born directly of Legatus’ mother chapter, the Michigan Chapter, which, having done her duty, is now retired. But Ann Arbor bears a further distinction that the others—Detroit, Detroit Northeast and Genesis (Toledo)—cannot claim: It was the ground upon which Legatus was founded when Tom Monaghan held the first informational meeting there on June 2, 1987.
Through the contagious enthusiasm of Monaghan and his early recruits, the Michigan Chapter blossomed to over 100 members in the heady first years of Legatus. In addition to members from Ann Arbor and its environs, they included a strong showing from the Detroit metropolitan area as well as a contingent from below the Michigan border in Toledo. Favoring a regional approach, plans were prepared in August 1989 for the mother chapter to bear children and send them packing.
The Detroit Chapter was the first chapter to issue forth, formally chartering in 1992. (It would eventually subdivide with the formation of the Detroit Northeast Chapter, which chartered in 2002.) The Michigan Chapter continued to function under that name until members from the Toledo-area contingent gained a critical mass and decided to form what they called the Genesis Chapter in 2005. At that point the “Michigan Chapter” name was retired, and Ann Arbor—the place where Legatus was born—came into its own with an eponymous chapter that formally chartered on May 25, 2005.
Date of Chartering: Jun 22, 1998
Archdiocese of Chicago:
Cardinal Blase J. Cupich
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On June 22, 1998, Michael Jordan was on the cover of TIME, the Cubs lost to the Phillies and the Sox lost to the Twins, and the Chicago Symphony recovered a prized $1,000,000 viola almost two years after their principal violist left it on the curb while loading some things in the trunk of his car. Just another day in the Windy City…but for one special event.
At 6 o’clock that evening a group of Chicago Catholic business executives and their spouses assembled to celebrate the chartering of Legatus’ Chicago Chapter. The Mass was concelebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Lyne, Fr. Dudley Day (the chapter’s founding chaplain), and Fr. George Rutler, Legatus’ national chaplain.
Afterwards, 115 Legates and guests heard Cardinal Francis George and Tom Monaghan address them, encouraging chapter president John Hunt to lead the chapter in the spirit and mission of Legatus.
As program chair, the late Tom Roeser helped the chapter twice win the Campbell Award for program excellence. Over the years, the chapter has enjoyed presentations by such noted presenters as Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Fr. Robert Spitzer, Admiral Jeremiah Denton, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Sr. Rosalind Moss, George Weigel, and Edwin Meese.
In 2010, the Chicago Chapter traveled to Rome. A year later, they hosted the 2011 Legatus Summit in Naples, Florida. The chapter has also been instrumental in organizing the 2011–2012 Legatus National Eucharistic Adoration Initiative.
The Chicago Chapter of Legatus was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 24, 2012
We welcome you to learn more about the Legatus Chicago chapter, including monthly meetings and other activities, by following us on Networks.
Date of Chartering: Dec 04, 1996
Archdiocese of Cincinnati:
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
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“Look into it and see if there is enough interest among Catholic CEOs to begin a Legatus Chapter here in Cincinnati.” That was the commission Fr. James Bramlage, then-pastor of St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, received from Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk in 1993.
Phone calls to several prominent Catholic businessmen indicated interest in looking further into a Legatus chapter. Bill Williams, president and CEO of Western Southern Life Insurance, offered to host a lunch for four other potential CEO members.
From that initial gathering, Legatus’ Cincinnati Chapter began to grow slowly but surely. A critical turning point in acquiring the necessary 20 members for chartering came with John McCormick’s taking charge of the fledgling organization and agreeing to act as its first president. McCormick exhibited his usual tenaciousness of making a go of whatever he involved himself in and he aggressively pursued likely candidates. The chapter chartered in 1996, but had held regular monthly meetings throughout the previous year.
Cincinnati received Legatus’ award for excellence in programming for 1999, and members Dr. John and Barbara Willke received the organization’s Cardinal John O’Connor Pro-Life Award in 2003. William Burleigh and Jack Carew have served on the Legatus Board of Governors. Chapter Administrator, Claudia Kimura, was awarded Great Lakes Chapter Administrator of the Year in 2020 and, in 2021, the chapter president, Mike Huhn, won National President of the Year (the Amby Award) and the membership chair, Jim Akers, won National Membership Chair of the Year.
The chapter today has grown to 40 members, and it continues to flourish, attaining a 100% renewal rate for 2022. It is still shepherded by its original chaplain, Rev. Bramlage.
Date of Chartering: Nov 30, 1999
Diocese of Cleveland: Bishop Nelson J. Perez
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In a way, one could say Pope John Paul II founded the Legatus’ Cleveland Chapter. Umberto Fedeli, the chapter’s founding member, was inspired by John Paul’s call for genuine witnesses to the faith in the business world. This inspiration, coupled with Fedeli’s respect for the work of Tom Monaghan (after reading Pizza Tiger) led Fedeli to start the Cleveland Chapter.
The “founding event” was the first gathering at the Fedeli’s then- new home, which has seen over 10,000 people for various events since. More than 200 people attended the first Legatus meeting and the chapter was chartered almost immediately thereafter. The chapter’s first chaplain was Cleveland Bishop Anthony Pilla.
In the early years, many of the chapter’s monthly meetings were held at members’ homes. Throughout the years, a close focus on attracting the best speakers and venues allowed the chapter to grow to be one of the largest chapters in the country.
The Cleveland Chapter continues to embrace the Legatus mission of studying, living, and spreading the faith! The current chaplain, Bishop Roger Gries, has been an inspirational leader for the chapter and was one of 26 Cleveland Chapter members to attend the 2011 Legatus Summit in Naples, Florida.
Diocese of Columbus: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell
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In 2003, a small group of Catholic men met to discuss forming a Legatus chapter in the Columbus, Ohio, area. Organizational meetings followed during the next year and regular meetings began in 2005.
Monsignor Stephen J. Moloney was the first chaplain and he was succeeded by Monsignor Frank P. Lane. The current chaplain is Fr. Shawn Corcoran, chancellor of the Columbus diocese.
On December 13, 2007, Legatus’ Columbus Chapter received its charter at a ceremony officiated by Monsignor Lane. Founding officers were: Deacon Mike Yakir, president; Chuck Wilson, treasurer/secretary; Mike D’Andrea, member chair; and Alan Dekker, program chair.
The Columbus Chapter meets monthly at various locations, including Scioto Country Club, Columbus Athletic Club, Our Lady of Victory Church and Parish Hall, and occasionally at St. Joseph Cathedral.
An annual retreat is held at a parish church. A member/guest social event is held annually during the summer at the home of a member. Each December, Columbus Bishop Frederick F. Campbell celebrates Mass for the chapter and addresses members at the dinner following.
In 2010, the chapter achieved its goal for new membership growth, thereby earning their chaplain complimentary attendance at the Legatus Summit in Naples. That same year, Columbus received the Legatus Midwest Region’s Campbell Award for outstanding programming.
The chapter’s men’s Forum started in March 2011 with papal encyclicals as the topic for study and discussion. The women’s Forum began in May 2011, studying Pope John Paul II’s Letter to Women.
Date of Chartering: Apr 28, 1988
Archdiocese of Detroit: Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron
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The Detroit Chapter’s roots date to the formation of Legatus when Tom Monaghan held the first informational meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on June 2, 1987. At that time, officers for the then-Michigan Chapter were selected. They included Detroit-area members Frank Stella, president; Angelo DiPonio, treasurer; Sr. Mary Francilene VanderVyver, secretary; John Sennett, program chairman; and Tom Angott, membership chairman.
Through the efforts of Angott (for whom the Angott Award would later be named to honor the chapter with the greatest annual increase in membership), the Michigan Chapter held its first formal meeting on April 28, 1988, with the induction of 82 new members. By August 1989, with membership then exceeding 100, members began exploring the creation of a second chapter in the state.
The Detroit Chapter formally came into its own in 1992 with Richard Gabrys, president; John Sennett, vice president; John Kruse, treasurer; Sr. Mary Francilene VanderVyver, secretary; Richard Genthe, program chairman; Tom Angott, membership chairman; and Fr. (later Archbishop) John Nienstedt as chaplain. In recognition for his founding services, Frank Stella was given the special designation of president emeritus.
The Detroit Chapter continued to enjoy explosive growth (repeatedly winning the Angott Award), and when its own membership peaked at 123 members, it was divided with the formation of Detroit Northeast as a separate chapter in 2002.
The Detroit Chapter was the working experiment where many of the methods and means of running a chapter were developed. Eventually these would come to be utilized as the template for chapters throughout the country.
Date of Chartering: Sep 18, 2002
Archdiocese of Detroit: Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron
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Chartered in September 2002 our members are business leaders and their spouses hailing from a proud heritage of the eastside of Detroit. Our monthly events, typically held on the 4th Tuesday, take place at many fine venues on the northeast side of Detroit. Pictured here is the beautiful Cherry Creek Golf Club in Shelby Township, Michigan.
Over the years we have appealed to Catholic business owners and CEO’s who for many reasons are searching for opportunities to explore the richness of their faith with fellow Catholics in the business world. Following the model established by Legatus in 1987 our meetings include celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, social time and dinner, and a compelling speaker’s program. Programs focus on the themes of faith, family, business, and the culture surrounding us. Speakers we enjoy range from local celebrities to those of national prominence. An event typically held in June provides an opportunity for the children and grandchildren of our members to share the joys of summer. And finally the Archbishop of Detroit, Allen Vigneron honors us with an annual visit at a joint event with our sister chapter, Legatus of Detroit.
Archdiocese of Chicago: Cardinal Blase J. Cupich
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The Downtown Chicago chapter of Legatus is in the process of formation.
Respectively we are grateful to Cardinal Blase J. Cupich and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Downtown Chicago and surrounding areas.
We are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Diocese of Joliet: Bishop Ronald Hicks
R. Daniel Conlon, Bishop Emeritus
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Legatus of DuPage formally chartered on February 20, 2015.
We are grateful to His Excellency, Bishop Ronald Hicks and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in DuPage County and surrounding areas. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest to join.
We are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Dec 16, 2013
Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades
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On December 16, 2013, the Fort Wayne Chapter became the 71st chartered chapter of Legatus. The chapter continues to grow adding two members so far in 2014 offering dynamic monthly programs that both members and guests enjoy.
We are grateful to His Excellency, Bishop Kevin Rhoades and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Fort Wayne and surrounding areas. And we continue to welcome those who have an interest to learning more about Legatus and consider joining our growing chapter.
Date of Chartering: Apr 28, 1988
Diocese of Toledo: Bishop Daniel E. Thomas
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The first Legatus Chapter was named the Michigan Chapter. It attracted a few Toledo, Ohio area members because of the encouragement of Toledo Bishop James R. Hoffman, who loved the Legatus concept. The Michigan Chapter grew rapidly, meetings were generally held at our Founder Tom Monaghan’s property, “Domino’s Farms”, in Ann Arbor. Tom’s plan was to develop many Chapters in North America.
In the early 1990’s, the Chapter had grown significantly and two groups of members split off into two separate Detroit area chapters. In 2005, members from the Ann Arbor area split off to focus on growing membership from Ann Arbor and formed the Ann Arbor Chapter.
With only 23 Legates remaining in the Michigan Chapter, mostly from Northwest Ohio and southern Michigan, Mr. Monaghan asked the members to move the Chapter to Toledo. The Chapter’s name was changed to the Genesis Chapter. The members realized that they must grow the Chapter and they started inviting business leaders who were active in their parishes to the monthly chapter meetings. In addition, they sought help from Toledo Bishop Leonard P. Blair and priests throughout the area. Their efforts paid off and the Genesis Chapter began to grow rapidly. Over the years, the Genesis Chapter experienced a high retention record, which helped with its growth. Currently for 2017, about 85% of members live and/or work in northwest Ohio and about 15% are from the southern Michigan area, with a total of 73 members, 141 individuals including spouses.
The Genesis Chapter meets monthly at various rotating locations, typically on the 4th Wednesday of the month. The meetings feature speakers from the local area as well as nationally. While our members look forward to reciting the Rosary, celebrating Mass, and hearing our speakers, they also really enjoy the opportunity to socialize with each other during the reception and dinner. This quality time with others who share common Catholic beliefs and concerns is greatly valued by our members.
Date of Chartering: Dec 06, 2013
Diocese of Grand Rapids: Bishop David Walkowiak
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Although the Grand Rapids Chapter of Legatus was originally formed on August 1999, it was reinvigorated with a combination of both legacy and new members. On December 6, 2013, Grand Rapids “re-chartered” becoming the 70th chapter to (again) formally join the Legatus family.
The chapter continues to grow, offering dynamic monthly programs that both members and guests enjoy.
Date of Chartering: Dec 08, 1989
Archdiocese of Indianapolis: Archbishop Charles C. Thompson
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George Maley originally learned about Legatus from his friend Tom Monaghan and joined as an At-Large member in 1987. Monaghan then encouraged Maley to charter a chapter in Indianapolis. Archbishop Edward O’Meara of Indianapolis gave his approval and appointed the archdiocesan vicar general as chaplain.
The then-named-Indiana Chapter first met at the Indianapolis Athletic Club on December 8, 1989. Ten member-couples joined after the first gathering and Jerry Semler became the chapter’s first and only three-year president. Maley became the chapter coordinator, a job he held for more than 10 years. Growing the membership was slow for the first two years, but took off with the gathering of 20 member-couples in the third year. Many founding members still active today.
Today, Monsignor Joseph Schaedel is the chaplain, serving the 66 member-couples. Most meetings are held at the Meridian Hills Country Club. Special meetings include a Lenten retreat, president’s party, and Christmas celebration.
In recent years the chapter has planned occasional “T.G.I.F.” gatherings to engage members in a social setting. Outings have included an Indianapolis Colts tailgate party, a visit to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and a chapter picnic.
Date of Chartering: Nov 06, 2013
Diocese of Lansing: Bishop Earl A. Boyea
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On November 6, 2013, the Lansing Chapter became the 69th chartered chapter of Legatus, and one of five chapters in Michigan which include Legatus of Detroit, Detroit Northeast, Ann Arbor, and Grand Rapids. The chapter continues to grow at a very healthy pace so far in 2014, offering dynamic monthly programs that both members and guests enjoy.
We are grateful to His Excellency, Bishop Earl Boyea and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in the Lansing area. And we continue to welcome those who have an interest to learning more about Legatus and consider joining our growing chapter.
Date of Chartering: Sep 21, 2016
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Legatus of Madison formally chartered on September 21, 2016. It became the third chapter in the great state of Wisconsin, joining the Milwaukee and Northeast Wisconsin chapters.
We are grateful to His Excellency, The Late Bishop Robert Morlino and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Madison and surrounding areas. Our chapter is eager to welcome those who have an interest to join.
Madison Chapter Chartering Celebration
Date of Chartering: Jul 28, 2000
Archdiocese of Milwaukee: Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki
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Legatus’ Milwaukee Chapter was established on July 28, 2000, becoming the organization’s 23rd chartered chapter. At the time of chartering, 35 member-couples composed the largest chartering chapter in Legatus’ history. Founding Chaplain Fr. Tim Kitzke celebrated the chartering Mass with Archbishop Rembert Weakland.
Tom Monaghan and founding member-couple Bob and Nancy Gunderson were in attendance, joined by charter board members Dick Sonnentag, Carol Richards, Norm Yerke, Gerv Rose, as well as other charter members and their guests.
In November 2010, Fr. Kitzke, still serving as chaplain, celebrated Mass in observance of the chapter’s 10th anniversary. The Milwaukee Chapter honored its 75-plus member-couples who have come and gone over the past decade with a black tie event, which included current members and alumni. The chapter produced a special booklet highlighting articles, pictures, past speakers, and a complete member list for the momentous event.
Some highlights of the chapter’s history include an annual cookout in the chaplain’s rectory garden, an annual visit of the archbishop, and occasional joint meetings with neighboring chapters in Chicago and Northeast Wisconsin (Green Bay).
Date of Chartering: Feb 21, 2001
Diocese of Green Bay: Bishop David L. Ricken
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The Northeast Wisconsin Chapter—Green Bay/Appleton—was spearheaded by Deacon Jim Asmuth, the retired president of a sizable tissue manufacturer. Asmuth had been attending Milwaukee Chapter meetings and desired to launch a new chapter closer to home, 100 miles to the north.
The chapter was blessed with the full support of Bishop Robert J. Banks, then-bishop of Green Bay, who asked Monsignor John Dewane to be chaplain. Monsignor Dewane served until 2004, when he was appointed to a position at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He was succeeded by Fr. John Doerfler (now Bishop John F. Doerfler) who served until his ordination and installation as the 13th Bishop of Marquette, Michigan on February 11, 2014. Father Thomas Farrell is currently our chaplain.
After four years of recruiting, the chapter enrolled its 25th member-couple and was chartered on February 21, 2001. Since that time chapter membership has fluctuated between 28 and 35 couples. The chapter rotates monthly meetings between Green Bay and Appleton. Joint meetings have been held with the Milwaukee Chapter.
The chapter was recently honored for programming quality at the national Legatus level. A sampling of speakers include Immaculée Ilibagiza, George Weigel, and Vinney Rottino—just to name a few.
Date of Chartering: Jun 04, 2014
Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades
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On June 4, 2014, the South Bend-Elkhart Chapter became the 73rd chartered chapter of Legatus, the third in the state of Indiana along with Indianapolis and Fort Wayne.
Legates from Northern Indiana gathered for their chartering Mass with Fort Wayne-South Bend Bishop Kevin Rhoades at St. Patrick’s Parish in South Bend, Ind. He was joined by concelebrant Fr. Terry Coonan, the chapter’s founding chaplain.
The celebration continued at LaSalle Grill in downtown South Bend with remarks from Bishop Rhoades, Legatus executive director John Hunt, chapter president Kurt Meyer and others.
Meyer said he and his wife first heard about Legatus shortly after Christmas, just in time for the chapter’s first meeting in February with Legatus founder Tom Monaghan.
“I started researching Legatus and I said, ‘Julie this is for me. It’s the right time, right place. I think this is what God’s telling me to do: to blend my Catholic faith and my business leadership skills,’” he said. “Being able to blend your business skills with your faith is very hard in today’s world, but it’s more important than ever.”
Father Coonan agreed. “Legatus brings these important Catholics together to talk about things and learn how to survive the struggles of business life with your faith intact.”
We are grateful to His Excellency, Bishop Kevin Rhoades and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in the South Bend and Elkhart areas. And we continue to welcome those who have an interest to learning more about Legatus and consider joining our growing chapter.
Date of Chartering: Oct 18, 2000
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis: Archbishop Bernard Hebda
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October 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the vibrant Twin Cities Chapter. The founding meeting of the Twin Cities Chapter took place in October1999, with the late Bishop Paul V. Dudley as the speaker. The chapter chartered in October 2000 at Saint Paul Cathedral. Archbishop Harry J. Flynn was the speaker and Fr. William Baer, rector of St. John Vianney College Seminary, served as founding chaplain until his death in 2018. The present chapter chaplain is Fr. Michael Becker, current rector of St. John Vianney College Seminary.
Founding officers were Chuck Byrne, president; Patrick Gaughan, vice president; Greg Pulles, treasurer; Susan Byrne, program chair; and Mike Kelly, membership chair.
Chapter meetings have featured excellent national and local speakers, including Fr. Michael Gaitley, Steve Ray, George Weigel, Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Jeff Cavins. In fact, the 2020 Twin Cities program received the Legatus Program of the Year award for the Midwest Region.
Legatus Twin Cities has three active Forums groups, one for women and two for men. The chapter also maintains a very high and consistent renewal rate from year to year.
Several chapter members have received the archdiocesan “Leading with Faith” award, recognizing “men and women whose business practices reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church.”
Diocese of Albany, New York:
Bishop Edward Scharfenberger
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The Albany Legatus Chapter chartered on August 27th, 2020 on a memorable evening at Saratoga National in Saratoga Springs, New York. Serving the broader Capitol Region of New York, Albany is distinctive in that the Bishop of Albany Edward Scharfenberger personally serves as chapter chaplain. Longtime Albany Catholic lay leader Dr. Bill Cromie is the founding chapter president, with Tom and AnnMarie Marusak showing tremendous leadership during the chapter’s chartering phase. Albany Chapter frequently meets at some fabulous venues: in addition to Saratoga National, chapter meetings are also held at the 677 Prime Restaurant, Fort Orange Club, and Schuyler Meadows Country Club.
Date of Chartering: Nov 09, 2005
Archdiocese of Baltimore:
Archbishop William E. Lori
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Legatus’ Baltimore Chapter was chartered on November 9, 2005, and approved by Cardinal William Keeler, then-ordinary of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
The chapter meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. for Mass, followed by cocktails, dinner, and an excellent presentation. Most meetings are held at the Maryland Club in Baltimore. Chapter members affirm their goal is to continue their spiritual journey and learn ways to integrate the Catholic faith into their daily business environment.
Archdiocese of Boston:
Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap.
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The Boston Legatus Chapter chartered on December 3rd, 2019 in West Newton, Massachusetts. Peter Uglietto, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, celebrated Mass alongside chapter chaplain Fr. Eric Cadin. Fr. Cadin was recognized the same night as the AMBY-Chapter Founder award winner. Rich Sotell served as the chapter’s founding President. All members present expressed gratitude to His Eminence Cardinal Sean O’Malley for his steadfast support for the nascent chapter. Boston chapter has demonstrated great vibrancy and positive energy in throughout its early years as part of the Legatus community.
Diocese of Philadelphia:
Archbishop Nelson Perez
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Respectively we are grateful to the Archbishop Charles J. Chaput and the Most Reverend Monsignor Joseph P. Gentili and their mutual blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Bucks County and the surrounding area. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Diocese of Bridgeport:
Bishop Frank Joseph Caggiano
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The Fairfield County Legatus Chapter was chartered on November 16th, 2016 in Stamford, Connecticut under the leadership of founding Chaplain Fr. Michael Jones and with the blessing and strong support of Bishop Frank Caggiano. Mike and Cece Donoghue served as founding co-Presidents and were instrumental in recruiting the charter members. The chapter holds most of its meetings at St. John’s Basilica and the adjacent Columbus Park Trattoria in downtown Stamford while occasionally visiting other fantastic locations throughout the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Date of Chartering: May 31, 2016
Diocese of Harrisburg: Bishop Ronald Gainer
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Legatus of Harrisburg formally chartered on May 31, 2016. It became the fourth chapter in the great state of Pennsylvania, joining the Philadelphia, Lehigh Valley, and Pittsburgh Chapters, later joined by Bucks County, the fifth.
In September 2015, several Catholic business leaders in the Diocese of Harrisburg, PA were intrigued when they received a business-sized envelope with a letter from Bishop Ronald Gainer asking them to consider forming a new Legatus chapter.
When the Harrisburg Chapter chartered on May 31 at the Hershey Hotel in Hershey, Pa., Bishop Gainer, the chapter’s chaplain, celebrated Mass and delivered the homily. During the investiture and pinning ceremony, he handed each member-couple their pins, shook their hands and posed for pictures with them.
The fact that the bishop is the chapter’s chaplain also sends a signal to prospects that Legatus is worth their consideration. Bishop Gainer was the founding chaplain of Legatus’ Lexington Chapter when he was a bishop in Kentucky, and he had been wanting to start a new chapter since he arrived in Pennsylvania two years ago.
We are grateful to the Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer and the blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Harrisburg and the surrounding area. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Dec 11, 2015
Archdiocese of Hartford:
Archbishop Leonard P. Blair
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Legatus of Hartford formally chartered on December 11, 2015.
The chartering event began with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Blair at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church in downtown Hartford.
After the chartering ceremony, the evening continued at The Society Room with dinner and remarks from Archbishop Blair.
We are grateful to the Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Hartford and the surrounding area.
We are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Nov 14, 2001
Diocese of Trenton:
Bishop David M. O'Connell CM
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The Legatus Jersey Shore Chapter was chartered on November 14, 2001. The event took place at St. Margaret Parish in Spring Lake, New Jersey, presided over by Monsignor Leonard Troiano. Instrumental in encouraging members to form the chapter, Monsignor Troiano also served as the first chaplain.
Former national chaplain Fr. George Rutler represented Legatus at the chartering ceremony. Members of the neighboring Manhattan and Philadelphia Chapters were on hand to provide an extra measure of support. Located in the Diocese of Trenton, the new chapter was approved and encouraged by then- Bishop John M. Smith.
Monsignor Troiano urged the members that “to be commissioned as ambassadors for Christ is a life-long commitment and challenge” and that “the Church is in much need of your example.”
Following the Mass, members gathered for a festive dinner at the century-old Spring Lake Bath and Tennis Club. At the program, outgoing chapter president Jim Manhardt told the members, “In this room we have built relationships that mean more than anything else. In our relationships we share Christ.”
Twenty years since chartering, Jersey Shore Chapter remains strong and vibrant, holding memorable monthly chapter meetings mostly in Spring Lake or Red Bank, New Jersey. Chapter meetings are known to take particular advantage of the spectacular beauty of its geography along the Atlantic coastline in the Summer and Fall.
Date of Chartering: Nov 10, 2004
Diocese of Allentown: Bishop Alfred Schlert (succeeding Barres)
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The Legatus Lehigh Valley (Pa.) Chapter was chartered in November 2004. Centered on the Allentown diocese, the area includes Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, and Schuylkill Counties.
Len Marrella was founding president, Monsignor (now Bishop) Alfred A. Schlert served as first chaplain, and Bishop Edward P. Cullen of the Allentown diocese gave his approval and blessing.
Date of Chartering: Mar 23, 2004
Diocese of Rockville Centre:
Bishop John Oliver Barres
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In March 2004, the Long Island (N.Y.) Chapter became the 46th Legatus chapter after a start-up period of less than six months. The chartering ceremony took place with 24 new member-couples at the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington, New York.
Bishop William F. Murphy, S.T.D., the ordinary of the Rockville Centre diocese, presided as the main celebrant of the Mass. Concelebrating with Bishop Murphy were Rev. John McCartney, the chapter’s first chaplain, and Rev. James Williams, the president of Chaminade High School.
The chapter meets on the first Thursday of every month. Speakers have included author George Weigel, Sisters of Life Prioress Mother Agnes Donovan, America magazine editor Rev. Drew Christianson, Catholic University president emeritus Most Reverend David O’Connell, and the late Bowie Kuhn, former Major League Baseball commissioner. Of course, the chapter has the privilege of having the Bishop of Rockville Centre as guest speaker every year.
The chapter meets in some truly outstanding venues for monthly meetings and members travel to New York City each December to attend the Legatus Northeast Regional Gala.
Chapter Chaplain: Fr. Darin Colarusso & Fr. Marc Montminy
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Date of Chartering: Nov 13, 1997
Archdiocese of New York:
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan
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The New York City Chapter (formally Manhattan) was chartered November 13, 1997. Brian O’Connor was president, and Fr. George Rutler was the chaplain and Legatus’ international chaplain.
Monthly Masses and Chapter meetings are usually held at St. Patrick's Cathedral, with a reception and dinner program immediately following at the Union League Club.
Notable speakers to address the chapter have been: Cardinal John O’Connor, Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Bishop William Murphy, Mother Assumpta Long, Sister Mary Elizabeth of the Sisters of Life, Ambassador Ray Flynn, Justice Antonin Scalia, Rick Santorum, and Tom Monaghan.
Archdiocese of Newark:
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin
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The Newark Chapter, based in Bergen County, New Jersey on the state’s extreme Northeast corner, chartered on October 24th, 2018 with Lew Mulvaney as the first president and Fr. Sean Manson serving as chaplain. The chapter grew rapidly with the blessing and support of His Eminence Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Archbishop of Newark. Today the chapter hosts memorable chapter meetings in the Saddle River and Ridgewood area each month, with a reputation for powerful spiritual direction under Fr. Manson and wonderful camaraderie amongst the membership.
Date of Chartering: Jun 29, 2000
Diocese of Paterson: Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney
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On June 29, 2000, Legatus’ Northern New Jersey Chapter achieved history as the first chapter to be launched and chartered at its first meeting. Twenty-six couples attended the historic event and were invested as charter members of what was then called the Morris County Chapter.
The chapter meets on a Wednesday or Thursday early in the month at 6pm for Rosary, 6:30 p.m. for Mass, followed by cocktails, dinner, and an excellent presentation. Meetings are held at centrally located venues in New Jersey. Chapter members affirm their goal is to continue their spiritual journey and learn ways to integrate the Catholic faith into their daily business environment.
Date of Chartering: Jun 10, 2002
Diocese of Arlington: Bishop Michael Burbridge
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Twenty-five member-couples gathered at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church on June 10, 2002, in Vienna, Virginia, for the Northern Virginia Chapter’s chartering ceremony. The Mass and induction were led by Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, bishop of Arlington, Virginia, who was joined at the altar by a legion of priests, all pastors or representatives of the diocese.
Following the Mass and chartering ceremony, the group gathered for a dinner reception and remarks at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia. Bishop Loverde and Legatus founder Tom Monaghan addressed the group, encouraging them to live the Legatus mission in their lives going forward from the historic moment. In his remarks, Bishop Loverde urged members to place faithfulness to God and holiness of life at the top of their priorities.
Chapter president Ken Ferguson and his wife Mary, who worked diligently as co-founders of the chapter, addressed the group and recognized others who had been instrumental in the chapter’s formation. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Mel Martinez and his wife Kitty were one-time Orlando Chapter members, and together with Pat and Desiree O’Meara, who were originally Miami Chapter members, brought expertise and experience in chapter organization and functioning.
Date of Chartering: Sep 01, 1988
Archdiocese of Philadelphia:
Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez
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Legatus was still in its infancy—only five months old—when the Philadelphia Chapter held its original informational meeting at the residence of then-Archbishop Anthony Bevilacqua in October 1987. Thirteen potential member-couples were invited to attend the meeting. Through Archbishop Bevilacqua’s approval and support, the chapter had grown to 50 people by the time it chartered as Legatus’ second chapter on September 1, 1988.
Founding chapter president Bud Hansen credited Archbishop Bevilacqua for helping the group achieve the “critical mass” needed to achieve chartering status. Hansen also attributed a shared vision among the early members, together with maximum membership participation for the then-record pace with which the Philadelphia Chapter reached chartering qualifications.
Planning was an important part of the early chapter meetings as well. During the chapter’s formation stages, several speaker-less monthly meetings were scheduled for the purpose of brainstorming methods by which “every meeting would be the kind that members would build their calendars around,” Hansen said. “We realized that we were already busy with social events, that we were looking for more than just another night out, another meet-and-retreat group. We held off on the outside speakers and kept talking and listening to each other.” The success of the Philadelphia Chapter vaulted the group into a leadership role for other subsequent chapters to emulate.
United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia addressed the Philadelphia Chapter at the Four Seasons on May 11, 1999. They were joined by members of the Jersey Shore Chapter, drawing more than 150 members in total. Philadelphia Legate Barbara Henkels extended the invitation to Justice Scalia and directed the event, which was a huge success for the chapter. Today, the chapter likes to move its meetings each month to take advantage of all the beautiful churches and wonderful restaurants in the area.
Date of Chartering: Sep 17, 2010
Diocese of Pittsburgh:
Most Reverend David A. Zubik, D.D.
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We are very pleased to introduce you to our vibrant Legatus chapter that is both well-established and growing. Our founding was initiated by Bishop Zubik in November of 2009 and we formally chartered in September of 2010. Like all Legatus chapters, our membership includes Catholic business leaders, senior executives, and their spouses from in and around the beautiful Pittsburgh region.
Our events, typically scheduled from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of every month, are often held at the LeMont restaurant on Grandview Avenue in Mountain Washington, overlooking the beautiful skyline of Pittsburgh and its trinity of three rivers.
We also have monthly meetings in other enjoyable venues around town, including the historic Duquesne Club and in members’ homes for the summer social.
Our chapter, following the traditional Legatus model, offers its member couples an opportunity to gather as a group once a month for Christ-centered spiritual formation in a warm social atmosphere.
We use the time-honored meeting format of Rosary, followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass, cocktail hour, dinner, and a short speaker series focused on faith formation and “living” our Catholic faith in the marketplace, family and community at large. An opportunity for the sacrament of Confession is typically offered prior to Mass. Our series includes a great mix of local and nationally recognized speakers who focus on living the Catholic faith in our business and our day-to-day lives. Legatus members are called to be Christ’s “ambassadors” in the marketplace, but often members will also connect independently to pursue other faith formation activities, such as Adoration, Pro-Life vigils, men’s prayer conferences and fellowship.
In a sign of great support, Most Reverend
David A. Zubik, Bishop of the Pittsburgh Diocese, has appointed Very Reverend Joe Mele, Vicar General and Rector of Saint Paul Seminary as our chaplain. Additionally, Bishop Zubik attends one
or two meetings a year, where he both celebrates the Holy Mass and serves as the evening’s speaker.
We are blessed to have two, such good and holy, men leading and guiding our chapter’s spiritual development.
We encourage you to explore our news and events sections of the site and also to view the national Legatus website, accessible by following the above “About” link. If you think you might be interested in joining our chapter, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you personally about its enriching opportunity for couples faith formation.
Archdiocese of Washington:
Wilton Cardinal Gregory
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The Legatus Washington, D.C. chapter chartered on October 27th, 2016 under the leadership of founding president Peter Farrell. The chapter holds memorable chapter meetings at famous Capitol-area landmarks such as Congressional Country Club, the Army Navy Club, and the Catholic Information Center on K Street. The chapter’s programs have been recognized by awards from Legatus National for their excellence.
Date of Chartering: Jun 01, 2006
Diocese of Wilmington:
Bishop William E. Koenig, D.D.
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Legatus’ Wilmington (Del.) Chapter was chartered on June 1, 2006.
Perhaps the most distinguishing characteristic of the Wilmington Chapter is the strong relationships that members have formed with each other. Over the last five years, members report they have become close friends and have enjoyed the meetings and the organization immensely.
The chapter’s monthly events begin with Mass, celebrated by founding Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Cocucci.
After Mass, Legates enjoy a cocktail hour. As dinner is coming to an end, a scheduled speaker makes a presentation before taking questions from members. Several members work together to organize the annual program. Each year the chapter has a picnic in the summer at a member’s home—as well as a special Lenten Meal in March and a Twelfth Night Party in January, also at a member’s home.
The chapter includes people from different professions with a wide array of interests, creating a very dynamic environment. Members report they are currently focusing their efforts on strengthening and growing that chapter.
Date of Chartering: Aug 26, 2004
Diocese of Baton Rouge: Bishop Robert W. Muench
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The Baton Rouge Chapter of Legatus began with a dinner given at Our Lady of Mercy Church in November 2003. Many Louisiana Legates and guest couples responded to the invitation of founding chaplain, Fr. Miles Walsh. These participants in what proved to be the first gathering of the new Baton Rouge chapter came to hear former New Orleans Saint Danny Abramowicz and the late Paul Nalty of the New Orleans Chapter describe Legatus’ mission.
At that time, three current members of the Baton Rouge Chapter were already enrolled in the New Orleans Chapter. With the assistance of Legatus staff, attendees at that first meeting formed a board for the purpose of founding a new chapter in Louisiana’s capital city. In August 2004, Baton Rouge was chartered at a Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Robert Muench, bishop of Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge became the 43rd formally chartered chapter of Legatus.
At the end of 2011, the Baton Rouge Chapter boasted 84 member-couples, and celebrated it’s 10th Anniversary in 2014.
Diocese of Charleston: Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS
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The Charleston Chapter of Legatus was chartered on Thursday, March 21, 2024, and we inducted the charter members. Father Gregory B. Wilson, Chaplain of the Chapter, preached the homily, emphasizing members should think of themselves as “ligaments” connected to the Body of Christ from Whom they are draw strength and find unity.
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Date of Chartering: Jun 30, 2016
Diocese of Charlotte: Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis
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Legatus of Charlotte formally chartered on June 30, 2016. It became the first chapter in the great state of North Carolina.
We are grateful to the Most Reverend Peter Jugis and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Charlotte and the surrounding area. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Archdiocese of Miami: Archbishop Thomas Gerard Wenski
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Diocese of Charleston: Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone
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Date of Chartering: May 14, 2003
Diocese of St. Augustine: Bishop Erik T. Pohlmeier
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The Jacksonville Chapter began in October 2002 when the Most Reverend Victor Galeone, bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida, met with former commissioner of Major League Baseball Bowie Kuhn and Legatus regional director Brian Von Gruben. At that meeting, Bishop Galeone not only approved Legatus in his diocese but also agreed to become its founding chaplain.
The first chapter event was held in February 2003, and the chapter was chartered three months later. The first board of directors included Mike Cascone Jr., chairman; Bowie Kuhn, vice president and program chair; John Clegg, membership chair; Clare Clegg, social chair; Doug Pickett, treasurer; Sandra McAuliffe, secretary; and Bob Grano, chapter coordinator.
The chapter holds monthly meetings usually at an outside venue but occasionally at a member’s home. Each month members take away something that can increase their knowledge of the faith.
The chapter observed its fifth anniversary when Legatus founder Tom Monaghan made his second guest visit to the chapter in May 2008. At that time, in honor of Bowie Kuhn who passed away in 2007, the chapter made his wife Luisa a lifetime member. Some chapter highlights: Bowie Kuhn was named Legatus Ambassador of the year in 1998; Bishop Galeone received Lagatus’ Cardinal John J. O’Connor Pro-Life Award in 2003; and Mike Cascone Jr. was named Legatus Ambassador of the Year in 2004.
Diocese of Palm Beach: Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito
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Originally named the Boca Raton/Palm Beach Chapter when it began developing in 2008, the Chapter suffered a membership drop at the onset of the Great Recession – in tandem with Florida’s economic downturn during that time. Past-president Frank Maurno and his wife got involved in 2013 and worked with core members to rebuild and re-enliven the chapter. Word spread excitedly once again.
The Jupiter/Palm Beach Chapter chartered officially on the evening of December 11, 2018, with 22 founding members, beginning with praying the rosary, confession and Mass celebrated by chapter Chaplain Fr. Scott Adams. A celebratory reception and dinner commenced at the world-renowned Mar-A-Lago Club in Palm Beach. The long-anticipated chartering ceremony immediately followed, as Legatus founder and chairman Tom Monaghan personally welcomed each new member. After dinner, the chapter’s founding president, Frank Maurno, conducted a congenial ‘fireside chat’ interview with Mr. Monaghan. The inspiring question-and-answer session delved into the Legatus founder’s life-snapshots – such as how Mr. Monaghan’s Catholic faith intensified; his personal interactions with Pope St. John Paul II; his time running Domino’s Pizza, and then, the Detroit Tigers; and finally his reasons for starting Legatus. The chapter holds monthly meetings usually at an outside venue and socials are occasionally held at members’ homes. Meetings are held each month, starting with rosary/confession and Mass. The chapter meetings feature an amazing line-up of nationally known speakers, and meets at venues of top quality.
If you would like more information about the Jupiter/Palm Beach Chapter, we would be delighted to hear from you!
Date of Chartering: Dec 01, 2011
Diocese of Lexington: Reverend John Stowe, OFM Conv.
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The roots of Kentucky’s Lexington Chapter were laid in Rome through an unplanned meeting between Legatus founder Tom Monaghan and Bishop Ronald W. Gainer of the Lexington diocese. Monaghan spotted Bishop Gainer in the lobby of the hotel where a group of Lexington pilgrims were staying. After a brief introduction, Monaghan said he was in Rome on Legatus business. Bishop Gainer was unfamiliar with Legatus, occasioning a sales pitch that set-in motion the formation of the Lexington Chapter.
Bishop Gainer returned home determined to bring Legatus to his diocese. Fellow enthusiasts included Greg and Leigh Patterson, who were among the chapter’s prime movers and the very first to join Legatus after attending the sixth Legatus Pro-Life Conference in spring 2006.
The Lexington Chapter’s inaugural Mass was held on September 5, 2006, with a reception in the home of the founding chaplain, Bishop Gainer, who continues to serve as the chapter’s spiritual shepherd.
The chapter chartered with Mass celebrated by Bishop Gainer on December 1, 2011. Legatus founder Tom Monaghan was on hand for the event, encouraging Legates to be bold in living out their Catholic faith. Since its charter, Lexington has continued to grow and expand knowledge of the organization throughout the diocese.
In 2014, Bishop Gainer, founder of the Lexington Chapter was installed as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg.
On March 12, 2015, Pope Francis name Fr. John Stowe, OFM Conv, as the 3rd Bishop of the Diocese of Lexington. Since his installation, Bishop Stowe has continually supported Legatus and its growth to approximately 25 members and spouses.
Lexington has been recognized on several occasions by Legatus for outstanding programming and for continual membership growth and retention. Although small, Lexington is a chapter of faithful and serious Catholics and prides itself on being a friendly and welcoming group that does its best to practice Jesus’ lessons of caring and hospitality.
Date of Chartering: Feb 07, 2018
Archdiocese of Louisville: Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D.
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On the evening of February 7th, 2018, the Legatus colors of red and gold adorned Hurstbourne Country Club as the newly inducted members of the Louisville chapter raised their glasses of Kentucky bourbon in celebration of becoming the 24th chartered chapter of Legatus in the Great Lakes Region. The Louisville chapter swiftly reached the chartering threshold in 2017 led by Amy Dillon, Legatus’ Great Lakes Regional Director.
Archbishop Kurtz offered his congratulations to the chapter and spoke again of the importance of community and belonging for spiritual growth as he commented on the impact of Legatus. “I see Legatus as fundamental for the local church in Louisville, Thank God for putting good people in your life. We must surround ourselves with people who can help us to act in the right way, and in turn we may do that for others. We must not be afraid to tell others about the Catholic Faith and to invite them to go to Heaven with us. Three Cheers to Legatus!”
Archdiocese of Miami: Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski
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In the fall of 2019, Archbishop Thomas Wenski expressed an interest to re-establish a Miami chapter and appointed Fr. Richard Vigoa, pastor of St. Augustine Parish in Coral Gables, as chaplain. Momentum was quickly built as Fr. Vigoa and the archbishop’s staff immediately set to work on identifying prospective members.
Fr. Vigoa, who is also the former secretary to Archbishop Wenski, was enthusiastic to assist the Legatus development team in all aspects of establishing a renewed presence in “The Magic City”. From participating in three informational dinners, to launching the first official event with a cocktail social, Fr. Vigoa was instrumental in welcoming prospective members and spiritually illuminating the Legatus mission. Under his leadership and direction, the chapter flourished.
During the first informational dinner in October of 2019, Ed Easton, a member of the original Miami chapter, was the first to commit to becoming a founding member of the new chapter. Ed has been a longtime friend of Mr. Thomas Monaghan, Founder of Legatus, and a tremendous Legatus supporter. Soon thereafter, a vibrant, orthodox, and diverse group of committed Catholics who reflect the local community, and are dedicated to the rosary, confession and Mass signed on as well.
The chapter re-chartered on Feb 20, 2020 with Archbishop Wenski, Mr. Thomas Monaghan, and Executive Director Stephen Henley present to warmly induct all the chartering members. A short rainstorm fell after the chartering Mass, but the skies just as quickly cleared as the newly inducted Legates made their way to the dinner reception at the famous Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. The archbishop was on-hand during the cocktail reception as Legates socialized and celebrated.
The Chapter’s monthly meetings typically take place at the elegant Club of Knights Hall in Coral Gables and are held on the third Tuesday of the month.
Date of Chartering: Jun 24, 2003
Diocese of Venice: Bishop Frank J. Dewane
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June 24, 2003 marked the date the Naples Chapter was born. Bishop John Nevins of the Diocese of Venice was the main celebrant at the Mass preceding the chartering ceremony, and the chapter’s founding chaplain, the late Monsignor Robert Schriefer served as concelebrant at St. William Church.
The Naples area is unique in that there are many year-round members/residents, as well as many visiting guests from other chapters during the Naples in season when “snowbirds” are in town at their winter residences. Attracting vacationing members to our winter meetings has been seamless with more than 75 nationally known speakers and top-quality dinners at local country and yacht clubs during the winter months with paradise weather.
Members, single and couples, have always enthusiastically captured and promoted the spirit of Legatus and benefits of our Naples Chapter to prospective members and guests.
We honor and are grateful for the guidance and support of our shepherd, the Most Reverend Frank Dewane, Bishop of the Diocese of Venice. Our chaplain Fr. Dennis Cooney has consistently provided for the true center of the Legatus monthly experience, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Our doors are open and we would love to hear from you if you are interested in learning more about the Naples Chapter.
Date of Chartering: Aug 22, 2000
Archdiocese of New Orleans: Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond
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In 1995, Fr. Joseph Doyle, president of St. Augustine High School in New Orleans, was on retreat in Detroit where he learned about Legatus. The idea of such an organization was so much on his heart that throughout his retreat, the priest prayed for Legatus to take root in New Orleans.
Not long after this, Mary Giaquinto, a friend of Tom Monaghan, presented the idea to local businessman, Joseph Canizaro, whom God truly used as the instrument to found Legatus in New Orleans in October 1999. The chapter was chartered with what was then a record number of members (37 couples) in August 2000 at a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Francis Schulte. Thus the New Orleans Chapter became the 22nd in the Legatus family.
Members and their guests attend monthly meetings featuring dynamic speakers who truly inspire to become ambassadors in the workplace. A most special meeting is the chapter’s annual vocations meeting at Notre Dame Seminary with dinner for all seminarians and faculty, sponsored by Legatus members.
Date of Chartering: Sep 23, 2003
Archdiocese of New Orleans: Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond
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Legatus’ New Orleans Northshore Chapter was launched at a ceremony held at St. Joseph Abbey on September 23, 2003. Archbishop Alfred Hughes and Abbot Justin Brown, O.S.B., officiated. The founding members of the Northshore Chapter were all originally members of the New Orleans Chapter. When the membership of the New Orleans Chapter reached 60, Legatus suggested a new chapter be formed for members living north of Lake Pontchartrain.
The original eight members recruited new members and chartered with 27 CEO members. Tom Monaghan, who was unavailable for the chartering, visited the newly formed chapter the following month to welcome the new chapter and its members. Founding chaplains were Fr. Ronald Caulkins and Fr. Rodney Bourg. Regional director Brian Von Gruben was instrumental in founding the chapter.
The founding officers were: Steve Stumpf, president; Deacon Rusty Read, treasurer; Jack Donahue, member chair; Mary Jane Becker, program chair; John Becker, director; Michael Holy, director; and Monty Montgomery, director.
Founding President Steve Stumpf has served on the Legatus Board of Governors. Two chapter members, Deacon Rusty Read and Cookie Read, were recognized as Legatus’ 2010 Officers of the Year. The chapter continues to grow in membership, fellowship, and spirituality, always striving to live the Legatus mission.
President: Jonathan Kernion
Vice-President: Calvin Brasseaux
Treasurer: Joey LaMartina
Secretary: Diane Cory
Past President: Maura Donahue
Membership Chair: Jack Jensen
Program Chair: Mike Holland
Directors: Mary Jane Becker
Tommy Buckel
Paulette Renaudin
Date of Chartering: November 20th
Archdiocese of Atlanta:
Most Reverend Gregory Hartmayer, OFM, Conv.
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Diocese of Orlando: Bishop John G. Noonan
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In early 1990, William (Bill) and Joanne Brown were approached to explore the possibility of starting a Legatus chapter in Orlando, Florida. By May 1990, the first Orlando Chapter meeting was held, and Bill Brown was named president. By fall Fr. Robert Webster signed on as the first Chaplain and nurtured the spiritual lives of members for six years.
Succeeding Chaplains included Fr. John McCormick, and today members are served by Fr. Stephen Parkes, Pastor of Annunciation Catholic Church.
Orlando members posing with Chaplain, Fr. Stephen Parkes, showing off his new Legatus stole.
In May 1997, Legatus of Orlando was officially chartered and continues its legacy as a leading chapter in Legatus. To list but a few of our many accomplishments:
Our chapter has established several men’s and women’s Forums, intimate group settings that foster a spirit of sharing and mentorship that benefit the participants.
The chapter has continuously grown from strangers to friends and from friends to ambassadors for Christ. Members extend their thanks to Tom Monaghan for his wisdom, foresight, and faithfulness in founding Legatus and encourage visitors who may qualify to consider joining us.
The Diocese of Raleigh:
Most Reverend Luis Rafael Zarama
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Chapter History
Respectively we are grateful to Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Raleigh and surrounding areas. We are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Nov 04, 2014
Diocese of Savannah: Bishop Stephen Parkes
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On November 4, 2014, Marty Hogan an At-Large Legate since 1997, enjoyed the benefits of all his hard work to plant the Legatus flag in Savannah, when then Bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., now archbishop of Atlanta, celebrated the chartering Mass.
Hogan teamed up with another longtime At-Large member, John Roth, and together they were bound and determined to enlist the support of Archbishop Hartmayer. “John and I had a meeting with the bishop, and we talked to him about Legatus,” Hogan explained. “Within a few minutes, he wanted to establish a chapter.
It was natural to start a chapter in the port city, which is an ethnically diverse population and known for its Catholicism. A number of the founding members had young families so it was a challenge and sacrifice for some to make the monthly events, but ultimately Legatus became very important. Hence, in his homily at the chapter’s chartering Mass, Archbishop Hartmayer thanked the Legates for putting their faith first.
“Thank you for accepting the invitation and being the strong witness of the Catholic faith in your career and marriage and family life,” he said at the historic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.
Upon chartering, founding chaplain Fr. Dan Firmin, who continues in his role, in addition to serving as diocesan chancellor and vicar general, said building a Legatus chapter was a no-brainer for the diocese.
“I always want to make sure we provide the people of our diocese with every possible avenue for them to grow in holiness and grow closer to Christ and the Church,” he explained. “Legatus does that, so I wanted to support whatever the Holy Spirit brought though the doors for that purpose. It’s been a blessing from Day One to be the chaplain of this group and see it through to its chartering.”
Date of Chartering: Oct 11, 2005
Diocese of St. Petersburg: Bishop Gregory Parkes
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In 2002, Pablo Santa Cruz and his wife, along with Jeff Darrey, contacted Legatus about starting a new chapter in the Tampa area. The following year, Darrey and Marc Barhonovich took leadership roles in the chapter’s formation.
A dedicated group of five couples began meeting in 2003, and by 2005 there were enough people attending meetings to consider chartering the chapter. The official chartering ceremony took place on October 11, 2005.
For various reasons, the Tampa Bay Chapter did not immediately grow, and in fact by 2009 only eight couples remained as active members. The group made a firm commitment to continue as a chartered chapter and to grow the membership.
That effort paid off. In 2011, the Tampa Bay Chapter’s membership roster reached 22 members.
The chapter’s monthly meetings take place at either a favorite local restaurant, the Bethany Center (the diocesan retreat and renewal facility), or at members’ homes on a rotational basis. Once a year, Bishop Gregory Parkes, His Excellency of the St. Petersburg Diocese, is a guest speaker at a regular monthly chapter meeting.
Date of Chartering: May 07, 1998
Diocese of Las Vegas: Bishop George Leo Thomas
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On May 7, 1998, Legatus’ Las Vegas Chapter was chartered at a Mass held at Guardian Angel Cathedral in downtown Las Vegas. Most Reverend Daniel Walsh, then-bishop of Las Vegas, officiated at the event. Bishop Walsh also served as the chapter’s chaplain. Legatus founder Tom Monaghan also attended the event.
George Maloof was commissioned as the first chapter president, with Andy Johnson serving as vice president, Randy Garcia as treasurer, Phil Peckman as membership chair, and Lou La Porta as program chair. The chapter had 35 CEO members at the time of its chartering. As a special part of the chartering ceremony, each member approached the altar and received a Legatus certificate, a lapel pin, and a copy of Michael Novak’s book Business As A Calling.
Following the chartering Mass, members gathered for a cocktail reception and gala dinner at the Las Vegas Country Club, which was followed by a dinner program. Members listened to remarks by Maloof, Monaghan, and then-executive director Jim Berlucchi.
A special recognition was made to the people considered most influential in the establishment of the Las Vegas Chapter, including members Dwight “Skip” Harouff and his wife Mary Ann, Timothy Busch, and Ray Rodeno.
Bishop Walsh challenged the members, urging them “to bring witness to a world that is becoming more and more subject to the errors of secular humanism.” Bishop Joseph A. Pepe took over as the chapter’s chaplain in 2001. The current chaplain is Fr. John Assalone.
Date of Chartering: Oct 24, 1989
Diocese of Orange: Bishop Kevin W. Vann
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Tim and Susan Strader accepted the challenge to organize Legatus’ Orange County Chapter in 1989. They worked with a dedicated group, including founding chaplain Monsignor Bill McLaughlin and founding members Roger and Gail Kirwan, Ken and Barbara Strottman, Carl and Margaret Karcher, and others. The early leaders took on the responsibilities of board officers and planned the programs for the first few years.
The chapter was chartered on October 24, 1989, as the first Legatus chapter west of the Mississippi.
Influential business leaders joined from parishes all over the Orange diocese. Since 1996, the chapter’s second and current chaplain, Monsignor Lawrence Baird, has been capably and caringly inspiring members. Excellent programs, interesting venues, and lively fellowship keep members coming back year after year. Contact information may be found by clicking on the Leadership tab. Or you may send us an e-mail by clicking on the Contact tab.
Many years ago, several members saw the value of adding another dimension to chapter life—Forum groups. Today there are six Forums, which have created deep bonds of friendship and faith sharing.
The Orange County Chapter is strong because members are fully invested, lending their time, talent, and skills to the governance of the chapter and making meeting attendance a priority. Several members have served on the Legatus Board of Governors, chaired conferences and summits, and worked diligently to establish new chapters. Members are very proud of their chapter and its impact on the lives of others—for the greater glory of God!
Date of Chartering: Jan 11, 1994
Archdiocese of Los Angeles: Archbishop José H. Gomez
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Legatus’ Pasadena Chapter was organized in 1993 with great help from Tim Busch, Ray Rodeno, and members of the Orange County Chapter. Its chartering took place on January 11, 1994.
The first official meeting was at Annandale Golf Club and the speaker was Dr. George St. Laurent. Monsignor Clement J. Connolly served as chaplain. The chapter slowly grew to approximately 50 members and has stayed steady for the entire time.
Founding president Ray Rodeno was assisted by officers Bill Close, Greg Stanislawski, Dick Hotaling, Bob Birgen, and Allen Lund. Early members were the Lunds, Alfieris, Antoninis, Birgens, Chaveses, Closes, Conns, and Stanislawskis. Monsignor Connolly was instrumental in recruiting many of the early members.
The chapter has been fortunate to have two members serve on the Legatus Board of Governors—Allen Lund and Rita Liebelt. Members are very proud of the longevity and the excellence of its programs since its founding in 1994, as well as the quality of members. The chapter has also won awards for quality of programs and membership throughout the years. Members consider Pasadena one of the oldest and premier chapters in Legatus today.
Date of Chartering: Oct 06, 2004
Diocese of Phoenix: Bishop John P. Dolan
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Phoenix became the 44th chartered chapter of Legatus on October 6, 2004, as Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted celebrated Mass and the investiture of charter members. Joining Bishop Olmsted at the Diocesan Center Chapel in downtown Phoenix was chapter chaplain Fr. James Wall, pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish.
Following the ceremonies, a festive dinner and reception were held for members and guests at the dining room of the Diocesan Center. In his remarks, Bishop Olmsted challenged Legates to make the first year of their service in Legatus a very Eucharistic time, a very prayerful time; to be evangelistic, sharing the Good News rooted in the Lord Jesus; and to be “more willing to stand up against and to confront wrong in our own lives and in the culture.”
On hand for the occasion was Legatus founder Tom Monaghan, and following remarks by Bishop Olmsted, he addressed the group. The Phoenix Chapter moved briskly from formation to chartering, achieving charter status after only three organizational meetings. Founding Charter Officers included Frank Nageotte, president; Anthony Ehmann, vice president; Michael Malone, membership chair; Alan Sears, program chair; and Robert Mulhern, treasurer.
2015 Annual
2015 August
A Legatus forum is a confidential group of 8-12 individuals meeting monthly to discuss matters of family, business, spiritual and personal interest. Forums deepen the Legatus experience. They provide a trustworthy Catholic resource for advice on business and personal issues from a Catholic faith perspective as well as prayerful concern for each other.
For more information please contact [email protected]
Date of Chartering: Nov 06, 2001
Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon: Archbishop Alexander K. Sample
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Welcome to Legatus of Portland!
On November 6, 2001, Legatus’ Portland (Ore.) Chapter entered the ranks of the international organization’s chartered chapters. The event was held in southeast Portland at St. Anthony Parish, the home of the chapter’s first chaplain, Fr. Michael Maslowsky. Portland Archbishop John G. Vlazny concelebrated Mass. The renowned Cantores in Eccliesia children’s choir accompanied the celebration of the Mass.
The group had originally been called together at Archbishop Vlazny’s invitation on June 2, 2000, when 15 CEOs and one spouse gathered to discuss the possibility of forming a local chapter. After a period of discernment, these leaders attracted enough additional members to achieve chartering status.
In 2011, the chapter continued to flourish. Forum groups were initiated in 2011 for both the men and the women members. These Forums have helped deepen and broaden members’ relationships and spiritual lives. The chapter has been represented by two national board members—Ed Newbegin (2006–2010) and Joe Williams (2011–present).
The spiritual direction and support from Archbishop Sample and the chapter’s current chaplain, Reverend Peter L. Smith, provides a compass as well as an inspiration to attract and retain a very close group of Catholic leaders in the Portland area community.
Date of Chartering: Oct 15, 1999
Diocese of San Diego: Cardinal Robert W. McElroy
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The San Diego Chapter of Legatus held its chartering event on March 15, 1999. The celebrant was San Diego Bishop Robert H. Brom, and the event was attended by Legatus founder Tom Monaghan.
The first president and founder of the San Diego Chapter was Mike Farguson. The distinguished honor roll of former chapter presidents includes: Don Dewhurst (charter president), Dan Mulvihill, Dick Lyles, Chuck LiMandri, Derek Dalton, Patrick Park, and Don Rez.
The late Monsignor James Gilifillan from Mary Star of the Sea Parish was the chapter’s first chaplain. Monsignor Eamonn Lyng followed him. The current chaplain is Fr. Anthony Saroki from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in San Diego, California.
Although the majority of San Diego Chapter monthly meetings are held at the La Jolla Country Club, members enjoy traveling to other venues for the annual summer social as well as the chapter’s Christmas party. The summer social is often located on the beach at beautiful San Diego, while the Christmas party usually takes place at a member’s home.
The San Diego Chapter is proud to boast that, as of this publication, its current roster includes 61 loyal members.
Archdiocese of San Francisco: Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone
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The San Francisco Chapter of Legatus chartered in 2018.
We are grateful to the Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone and his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in San Francisco and the surrounding area. And we are eager to welcome those who have an interest to learn more about Legatus and consider joining an organization that combines a unique blending of our Catholic Faith and business ethics.
Date of Chartering: Sep 18, 2008
Diocese of Orange: Bishop Kevin W. Vann
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The first San Juan Capistrano Chapter meeting was held in September 2007 at JSerra Catholic High School. The chapter chartered one year later on September 18, 2008. The chartering ceremony took place in Laguna Hills, California, in a private chapel at the residence of Legatus members and chapter founders Tim and Steph Busch. Bishop Tod Brown was the celebrant and homilist, and chaplain Monsignor Art Holquin concelebrated.
The founding officers included president Jeff Cadieux, membership chair Frank Kavanaugh, program chair Bill Pfost, treasurer Dave Ritchie, and secretary Pam Patterson.
The San Juan Capistrano Chapter is vibrant and youthful, and the membership includes a number of single members. More than half of the membership has volunteered to host a chapter event in their home. These home meetings are welcoming and typically include a buffet dinner to encourage mingling among members.
The chapter has heard a number of powerful presentations by national speakers such as Fr. Robert Sirico, Ray Guarendi, George Weigel, and local favorites including Archbishop José Gomez, Tommy Lasorda, and Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.
The chapter also has a history of offering a variety of casual social outings including Super Bowl parties, hands-on cooking excursions and an annual Legatus Mass on the beach.
In 2010, the chapter received Legatus’ Angott Award for increasing their membership by 36.4%.
Date of Chartering: Nov 07, 2002
Archdiocese of Seattle: Archbishop J. Peter Sartain
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On November 7, 2002, the Seattle Chapter became Legatus’ 38th chartered chapter. More than fifty members and friends gathered at St. James Cathedral in downtown Seattle to initiate the event with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Alexander Brunett and concelebrated by Auxiliary Bishop George Thomas.
At the end of Mass, the members of the chapter were invested as charter members and received their Legatus pins. Chapter officers receiving a special blessing from Archbishop Brunett were: Michael Patterson, president; Rick Fersch, vice president; Fred Weiss, treasurer; Sharon Huling, membership chair; and Rich Black and Dick Gilrot, program co-chairs.
After Mass the group moved to the Rainier Club, also in downtown Seattle, for dinner and a presentation by Legatus international chaplain Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.
The Seattle Chapter spent a lengthy period in formation. However, the original members maintained their commitment and the group achieved the necessary critical mass for chartering in the second half of 2002.
Archbishop Brunett served as the chapter’s original chaplain and encouraged the members to proclaim their mission in an area of the country that is largely “unchurched.” The chapter went on to host the Legatus Fall Summit in October 2008.
Date of Chartering: Nov 18, 2011
Archdiocese of Los Angeles: Archbishop José H. Gomez
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In March 2001, Ann and Des Armstrong joined Legatus’ West Los Angeles Chapter. After attending a few meetings, they were asked to drive a neighbor, Mary Beth Rzeteljski, to a chapter meeting since her husband Viktor would meet them after work. That was the beginning of a close union of friends and the core of the beginning of another Legatus chapter—South Bay of Los Angeles.
Members of the fledgling chapter met for the first time in 2007, growing gradually over the years. Henry and Michelle Martinez and Pam and Steve Geraghty were among the first new members. By 2009, the chapter had grown to seven member-couples.
A turning point came after the 2010 Annual Legatus Summit in Dana Point. The chapter’s core members attended and were inspired. The chapter continued to expand and officially chartered on November 21, 2011, with Mass celebrated by Los Angeles Archbishop José GÓmez. Legatus founder Tom Monaghan also attended.
Date of Chartering: Mar 03, 2016
Archdiocese of Vancouver: Archbishop J. Michael Miller
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Welcome to Legatus of Vancouver!
Legatus of Vancouver is proud to announce that our chartering event was held March 3rd, 2016, at the Terminal City Club and it was a wonderful evening.
We are grateful to His Excellency, Archbishop J. Michael Miller for his blessing of our efforts to grow Legatus in Vancouver and surrounding areas.
Mass at the chartering event was celebrated by Archbishop Miller and con-celebrants included Monsignor Greg Smith, Fr. Stanley Galvon, Fr. Pablo Santamaria, Fr. Larry Lynn and Fr. Bryan Duggan.
We are grateful to Mr. Tom Monaghan for attending our chartering event, sitting for a book signing and a most open fireside chat along with the official investiture ceremony.
Archdiocese of Los Angeles: Archbishop José H. Gomez
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After reading about Legatus in 1989, Al Parisi and his wife Mary called Legatus headquarters in Ann Arbor. He soon joined the already- established Orange County Chapter. The couple quickly endeared themselves to the members. Al Parisi served two terms as the chapter’s treasurer and was asked to become the chapter’s president.
While contemplating the invitation, he received a call from Legatus asking him to be the founding president of the Ventura/ North LA Chapter. He accepted and the inaugural meeting was held at “Villa Parisi” in October 1992. The founding members included Al and Mary Parisi, Joe and Michelle Maher, Stan and Jenifer Carmichael, Michael and Chris Budd, Michael and Gayle Troughton, George and Lucille Somis, and Jorge and Eugenia Gonzalez. Mary Parisi delighted members and prospects with her wonderful Italian food for several years before the meetings moved to the Plug Nickel Restaurant in Westlake Village.
The chapter was chartered on January 25, 1997. The chapter’s first noteworthy speaker (and subsequent member, with his wife Teri) was the late Dr. Thomas Dillon, then-president of Thomas Aquinas College.
The Boise Chapter of Legatus is in the process of forming and accepting nominations for membership.
The Fargo Chapter of Legatus is in the process of forming.
The Mexico City Chapter of Legatus is in the process of forming and accepting nominations for membership.
The Scranton Chapter of Legatus is in the process of forming and accepting nominations for membership.
The Toronto Chapter of Legatus is in the process of forming and accepting nominations for membership.
The Vero Beach Chapter of Legatus is in the process of forming and accepting nominations for membership. We would love to have prospective members be our guest at one of our events.