The beautiful cinematography and the stirring music of this 7-part online video series, produced by St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County, CA, will certainly grab your attention. It’s the stories, however, that will grab your heart. You’ll find them inspiring and faith building.
Each episode is approximately five minutes in length. The Norbertines (the order based at the Abbey) prove that like Jesus’ parables, good stories can be briefly told. Each episode introduces us to an individual and his interaction with the Norbertines, as well as a Catholic saint who is pivotal in the story. In episode 1, “The Good Thief” tells the moving story of Alex Soltis, a former gang member who longed to know his biological father. Episode 4, “The Unexpected Gift” tells the story of a mother’s love for her disabled child, Jacob, and the role Pope St. John Paul II played in his birth.
The short videos provide powerful testimonies of God’s grace in individuals’ lives. They make great viewing for families and in classrooms.
Sign up to view this online series HERE.
TIM DRAKE is a Legatus magazine staff writer.