John Hunt writes that he has received countless blessings from being a Legatus member . . .
John J. Hunt
After more years than I care to mention, my enthusiasm for Legatus continues to grow. As members of the Chicago Chapter, Kathie and I are incredibly blessed by this organization and its extraordinary members across the country and around the world. I suspect that you feel the same way, knowing that Legatus has enhanced your faith experience in ways that couldn’t have been imagined.
Is it the friendships? The monthly chapter experience? The obvious fidelity to the teachings of the Church? Perhaps it’s the realization that the faith is strong in the lives of your fellow Legates who have entrusted their families and professional lives to the Lord and his Blessed Mother. All of the above bring us back month after month. Each of us receives much from Legatus each month. At the same time, each of us gives much of ourselves in ways that only others in the chapter can appreciate.
In giving of ourselves — whether within Legatus or in the culture — each of us is an apostle, a reflection of Christ to the world. This apostolic spirit is not something we do, it is who we are. These are not our actions, but the actions of the Holy Spirit working in us.
Legates’ service to the needy and their commitment to living the social teachings of the Church are examples of faith in action. For most of us, such generosity in loving the Church and serving mankind through our professional and family lives are pure gift — the gift of faith, the gift of Legatus.
2010 Summit
Plans are progressing for the Annual Summit (Feb. 4-6, 2010) at the elegant St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort at Dana Point, Calif. The program is being developed, but we’ve already secured prominent speakers including Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, Thomas Donahue, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Frank Hanna, author and philanthropist. This Summit will be a “don’t miss” event. Stay tuned for more!
John Hunt is Legatus’ executive director. He and his wife Kathie are members of the Chicago Chapter of Legatus