“Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) This is a powerful verse that each of us is called to take to heart, as we ask what Christ is calling us to do with our lives. I also believe this verse is true for Legatus as an organization.
As our society and Church navigate an ever-changing landscape, many describe these as unprecedented times, and I tend to agree. The game, as they say, has changed! And the rate of change — not only in terms of things like technology, but the culture itself — seems to continue to accelerate. For most of us, we were raised essentially in a Christian society. Certainly, individual beliefs and devotions varied, but society as a whole was largely shaped by Christian thought and tradition. It seems that changed…almost overnight. Today, our society could aptly be described as post-Christian.
If we need examples, we need only to look at the current political rhetoric and the upcoming election. Some of our elected officials are saying things about the United States that I never dreamed would be said by American citizens, much less those in political office. And then we have so-called Catholics in positions of authority who are causing confusion and dissent in the Church. We have a Speaker of the House who is a proabortion “Catholic,” and “Catholic” members of the Supreme Court who have seemingly caved in to the cultural pressure to redefine fundamental truths such as the sanctity of life, marriage, and now gender. And we could have a “Catholic” president who is pro-abortion if our country does not come to its senses!
All of this is taking place on top of the COVID-19 crisis which has thrown society into disarray. At the time of this writing, many schools still do not know if students will be able to attend classes in person, and life is anything but normal. We are in the perfect storm.
I believe this is a wakeup call for Legatus members individually and for us as an organization. As Catholic business leaders and leaders in our communities, we need to be heroic witnesses of the truth. In order to do this, we need to be spiritually fortified; so I once again encourage you to commit to Tres Magna (the big three) – daily Mass, daily Rosary, and monthly Confession. We need the graces that are available to us in order to be the witnesses (Ambassadors of Christ) that He is calling us to be.
Now, more than ever, I hope you see the need for Legatus — why we need the fellowship of our fellow members…why we were created for such a time as this.