Legatus helps to maintain a measure of equilibrium in these difficult days . . .
John Hunt
Two things about my fellow Legates continue to impress me. First, Legates are models of faith in their personal lives. Second, their example to family, friends, employees, business associates and the community has never been of greater value than it is today.
Those of us who have discovered this preeminent lay organization in the Catholic Church know that monthly Mass, dinner and a stimulating program with our Legatus family are indispensable to maintaining a measure of equilibrium in these difficult days.
Legatus may have just been founded 22 years ago to meet today’s challenges. With its cavalier treatment of life — every life from conception to natural death — the secular world is challenging everything we hold sacred.
The world is needs Catholics with the courage to defend our beliefs in the public square. We have been called to be those leaders. It would be tragic to disregard that responsibility out of a sense of “the time is not right” or “others are certainly more eloquent” or “I am not as steeped in the teachings of my faith as I should be.”
Simply put, none of those responses is valid. The time is right if we are to secure the rights of every unborn child in the face of legislation and presidential executive orders that would deprive millions of life itself. Others are not necessarily more eloquent then we are. We lead, inspire and motivate others to success in business — why not in our faith lives? And yes, we are Legates — ambassadors of our faith as few others are. The time is now the task is ours.
There may be no better primer for defending life than the annual Legatus Pro-Life Conference in Washington, D.C., from May 6-8. The event includes admission to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast and a private meeting with House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH). See related story on page 17.
Thousands of other Catholic executives deserve the Legatus experience now more than ever. Spread the faith, share Legatus. Talk to your chapter president or membership chair.
John Hunt is Legatus’ executive director and a member of the Chicago Chapter.