Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal spoke to a gathering of four Legatus chapters . . .
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal addresses Legatus members on June 28
NEW ORLEANS — Members of Legatus’ four Louisiana chapters gathered for a special event on June 28, welcoming LouisianaGov. Bobby Jindalas their keynote speaker.
The evening began with Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church with Bishop Sam Jacobs, Legatus’ international chaplain, as the main celebrant. Members then transitioned to the Pavilion of Two Sisters Banquet Hall for dinner and Jindal’s talk. Jindal, winner of Legatus’ 2007 Courage in the Marketplace award, spoke for 45 minutes about being an ambassador in the marketplace and his love for the Church.
“Much has been written about the Governor’s journey to Catholicism,” Joseph Canizaro, a member of Legatus’ New Orleans Chapter, said in introducing Jindal. “It’s rare for Hindus to convert to Christianity or any other religion. When put into context it was a heroic and courageous act by a young man who was, in his words, ‘searching for an objectively true faith that would lead me to God.’”
Legates unanimously lauded the governor’s talk.
“We were greatly impressed with his remarkable conversion story,” said John Becker, a member of Legatus’ New Orleans Northshore Chapter. “The role that so many people played in it over the years proves the efficacy of even a small act or remark can ultimately have on the religious and spiritual life of someone. As Gov. Jindal pointed out, Legatus members are in a unique position to influence others morally and spiritually by our words and actions.”
L-R: Lloyd Tate, Mrs & Mr. Tom Gurtner
Jane Nalty of the New Orleans Chapter concurred. “I was particularly impressed with Gov. Jindal’s personal witness to his faith journey and how he stressed the importance of several individuals who encouraged him to attend Mass, to educate himself about Catholicism and to keep searching for God. Most of us don’t realize how we can evangelize in very simple ways.”
At the end of the event, Todd Matherne, membership chair of the New Orleans Chapter, presented Jindal with a certificate making him an honorary member of Legatus. Additionally, Dr. Emmett Chapital, president of the New Orleans Chapter, offered the words of presentation of a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Patroness of the State of Louisiana.