October 1, 2009
by Mike Aquilina
Friday — like Sunday — is never an “ordinary” day. Friday is the day when Jesus suffered and died on the cross to atone for our sins. Friday is the day when Jesus won our salvation and made possible our adoption as children of God. Thus, the Church has encouraged us to focus, each Friday, on both gratitude and repentance.
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October 1, 2009
by Judy Roberts
At 3 o’clock every afternoon, residents, staff and family members at the Town and Country Nursing Center in Lowell, Mass., gather in the community room to ask for God’s mercy for themselves and the whole world.
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October 1, 2009
by Sabrina Arena Ferrisi
When Kishore Jayabalan tore a knee tendon in Rome three years ago, he went to St. Camillus - a public hospital. He waited four days to get local anesthesia in order to have minor surgery. His hospital roommate had been on a waiting list for six months to get a hip replacement. The hospital provided no towels, no nightgowns and water only with meals.
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October 1, 2009
by Dr. Andrew Abela
To celebrate the June release of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Caritas in Veritate, our selection from the forthcoming Catechism for Business includes just one question about the overarching themes in Catholic social teaching as applied to business. The selected quotations illustrate the continuity and fruitfulness of this teaching across 118 years of papal encyclicals.
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October 1, 2009
by Patrick Novecosky
With Christian values under attack at every turn, Catholic leaders across the country are calling on the faithful to renew their commitment to the faith — and to look even more deeply to Christ as the answer to society’s ills.
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October 1, 2009
by Sabrina Arena Ferrisi
When Kishore Jayabalan tore a knee tendon in Rome three years ago, he went to St. Camillus - a public hospital. He waited four days to get local anesthesia in order to have minor surgery. His hospital roommate had been on a waiting list for six months to get a hip replacement. The hospital provided no towels, no nightgowns and water only with meals.
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October 1, 2009
by Sabrina Arena Ferrisi
Catholics are concerned whether socialized medicine is compatible with the faith . . . When Kishore Jayabalan tore a knee tendon in Rome three years ago, he went to St. Camillus – a public hospital. He waited four days to get local anesthesia in order to have minor surgery. His hospital roommate had been on a waiting list for six months to get a hip replacement. The hospital provided no towels, no nightgowns and water only with meals.
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